I have an article page and at the bottom I'd like to show a list of related articles. I'm using Solspace's Tag add-on to generate the list. In order to generate the list I've created a Low Variables snippet called lv_sn_related_articles where I pass in the entry id of the entry:
{exp:low_variables:parse var='lv_sn_related_articles' preparse:entry_id='{entry_id}'}
I then use this variable within the Low Variable snippet along with the Tag tags:
{exp:tag:related_entries channel="articles" entry_id="{entry_id}" orderby="relevance" status="open|featured" limit="3" sort="asc" rank_limit="5" rank_method="total_entries"}
<li>{exp:low_variables:single var="lv_sn_article_block"}</li>
Within this snippet I have another Low Variables snippet called lv_sn_article_block which is an article block style I will use in various other parts of the site:
<article class="ArticleBlock">
<div class="ArticleBlock-meta">
{categories limit="1"}<span class="ArticleBlock-category"><a href="{path=/}">{category_name}</a></span>{/categories}
<div class="row">
<div class="small-4 medium-12 columns">
<a href="/article/{entry_date format='%Y/%m/%d'}/{url_title}">
{article_hero_image}<img class="ArticleBlock-image" src="{exp:ce_img:pair src="{url}" width="500" height="281" crop="yes" save_type="jpg" allow_scale_larger="yes" quality="81"}{made}{/exp:ce_img:pair}">{/article_hero_image}
<div class="small-8 medium-12 columns">
<h2 class="ArticleBlock-heading"><a href="/article/{entry_date format='%Y/%m/%d'}/{url_title}">{title}</a></h2>
<p class="ArticleBlock-byline">
By <a class="ArticleBlock-author" href="/author/{username}">{author}</a>, <span class="ArticleBlock-dateline">{entry_date format="%M %d, %Y"}</span>
<p class="ArticleBlock-deck">{article_lead}</p>
The problem I'm getting is that this article block does not parse. I just get the bare template tags. If I take the article block code and put it directly into the lv_sn_related_articles the tags render normally. So something is happening with the nested lv_article_block that is causing it to not parse. How can I make this work or can it?