I know there are already some questions about this but I need some feedback with the latest configuration of both.
So the latest versions are:
- EE 2.9.3 (I let 2.10 to the more brave out there)
- Expresso Store 2.5.0
- Zoo Visitor 1.3.32
The Question
Is it possible to register a zoo visitor member during Store checkout?
What I did:
1) create all Expresso Store Order fields as native EE member custom fields (e.g. created "billing_first_name" as a native member custom field etc etc.)
2) Delete all default Zoo Visitor fields except the first one (member_account) and recreate all fields but using "member_" prefix to get automatic sync. (e.g. created "member_billing_first_name")
3) In Store > Settings > Order Fields MAPPED all fields to Zoo Visitor custom fields
4) register_member="yes" to the exp:store:checkout
5) Added {field:password} and {field:password_confirm} to checkout
What Happens?
1) I'm able to complete order but I only get a native member WITHOUT any custom field populated... 2) Also receive the "Member Account Activation Instructions" native email
Thanks Francesco
want to reference this workaround (that I haven't tried yet) just to ask if it is still actual: https://devot-ee.com/add-ons/support/zoo-visitor/viewthread/14068
Or maybe this is the only way? Using Store + Zoo Visitor to create a member and store order details in related entry