I am running Solspace User 3.5.3 on EE 2.9.2 and have a discrepancy with the total number of entries shown for a user.
When I am logged in as admin for the site and I go to my profile in user_main, it says I have a total of 0 entries. However it also has a link to the page that displays all my entries and there are 19 pages worth of entries.
The code for this section is:
<li class="list-group-item">
<strong>Total Entries:</strong>
{if last_entry_date == "0"}
This user has not published any entries yet.
{total_entries} <i>(last published: {last_entry_date format="%F %j, %Y"})</i>
<a href="{path='user_main/user_entries'}/{member_id}/">view all →</a>
The same problem is evident on the user_entries page where despite the fact that there are 19 pages of entries, the total_count shows as 0.
The code:
<h2 style="margin-bottom:20px;">{exp:user:stats member_id="{segment_3}" limit="1"}{if logged_in_member_id == "{segment_3}"}My{if:else}{screen_name}'s{/if} Entries <span class="label label-warning">{total_entries}{/exp:user:stats}</span></h2>
Clearly {total_entries} is having a bad day.