You could use the offset
But that wouldn't be very efficient since you'd need two repetitive channel:entries
tags which don't perform very well. You could instead use count
to output different markup on different passes:
{exp:channel:entries channel="blogposts" limit="6"}
{if count == 3}<div style="display:none">{/if}
<div class='article-box'>
<div class="article-image-box">
<div class="article-image">
<p class='author'>{blog_author}</p>
<div class="ful-art-but-box">
<button class="button green-but">
{if count == total_results}</div><!-- close hiding div -->{/if}
... but that's not very readable or elegant in my opinion (I hate outputting disjointed chunks of opening/closing html tags, it becomes an ugly mess), so instead I'd use Stash with one set_list
and two get_list
tags, using offset
and limit
. Then if the actual markup for a single article becomes cumbersome you should abstract it out to a Stash embed to avoid the repetition.
{exp:stash:set_list name="entries" parse="yes"}
{exp:channel:entries channel="blogposts" limit="6"}
{exp:stash:get_list name="entries" limit="3"}
<div class='article-box'>
...etc... (or abstract all this markup to a Stash embed)
<div class="hidden-articles">
{exp:stash:get_list name="entries" limit="3" offset="3"}
<div class='article-box'>
...etc... (or abstract all this markup to a Stash embed)