I'm trying to add my embedded contact form template to one page for a blog entry. I've never had an issue with this template or embedding it until now.
Here is my code.
{embed="inc/html_header" page_title="{page_title} - {site_name}"
<div class="blog-page entry-main">
<!--Hey footer footer-->
So the embedded html_footer appears on the entry template page just fine along with my random Hey footer comment. In fact, everything on this page displays correctly except for {embed="contact/form"}.
I've done so many things to try and fix this -- use snippets for the form, use conditionals to check for segment_3, etc, but still no success. The pages I'm trying to display have the root structure of:
When I navigate to just /blog/entry/index.php. I see the footer, but also every single blog entry and the html header and footer embedded templates.
Any thoughts? I'm nearly going insane over this and even had a nightmare where I spent a day trying to figure this out. Dreams are not meant to infested with EE code. Thanks.
? Please, update your question.