Am I using no_results properly? Even when the grid doesn't have any data, I cannot get the "N/A" to output in the templates:

{store_telephone_data limit="1" offset="0"}
    {if store_telephone_data:no_results}
    {if store_telephone_data:count == 1}
            {store_telephone_data:store_telephone_type limit="1" offset="0"}

2 Answers 2


There is no no_result variable or condition for grid. Use total_rows instead.

{if store_telephone_data:total_rows >= 1}

The grid field doesn't provide a no_results tag. If you are using search filters on the grid field total_rows will amount to a blank value due to the filters evaluating to true. There is an answer to a possible workaround but I see it as messy and either grid need to update their code or a small developed plugin could help.

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