I would like to display all but 1 category in my channel entries loop. I tried doing category="not .." but it doesn't work. Here is my code
{exp:channel:entries channel="lm_edit" sort="desc" category="not 42" limit="5" disable="member_data|trackbacks|playa|pagination" status="open|LMonly" dynamic="no"} {if count == "1"} {if lm_main_image != ""} {exp:ce_img:single src="{lm_main_image}" border="1|b9b3be" width="150" height="75" crop="yes" align="left" class="img-responsive" id="tabimg"} {/if} {title} {if lm_deck == ""}{/if} {if lm_deck != ""}{exp:eehive_hacksaw chars = "100" append="..."}{lm_deck}{/exp:eehive_hacksaw}{/if} {if:else} {title} {/if} {if count == "5"}More News{/if} {/exp:channel:entries}
When I get rid of 'not' and just have category="42", all entries from 42 display. When I add back the not nothing is filtered out and all entries display.