I have a form where a user can select a city from a dropdown list. I've set this up as a custom field filter. When a city is selected there is some JavaScript populating a hidden distance:from field behind the scenes. At the foot of the form is a distance:radius field.
Is there a way to ignore the city field if distance:radius exists? The idea being that the user wants to see the results within the radius, regardless of whether the result is in the city. If no radius is selected the results should be based on the city field.
// Search form
{exp:low_search:form query='{segment_3}'}
<select name="search:city">
<option value=""{if low_search_search:city == ''} disabled selected{/if}>
Select a city
<option value="City 1"{if low_search_search:city == 'City 1'} selected{/if}>
City 1
<option value="City 2"{if low_search_search:city == 'City 2'} selected{/if}>
City 2
<option value="City 3"{if low_search_search:city == 'City 3'} selected{/if}>
City 3
<select name="distance:radius">
<option value=""{if low_search_distance:radius == ''} disabled selected{/if}>Select distance</option>
{exp:low_list:each items="5|10|20|30|50" as="distance"}
<option value="{distance}"{if distance == low_search_distance:radius} selected{/if}>
{distance} miles
<input type="hidden" name="distance:from" {if low_search_distance:from}value="{low_search_distance:from}"{/if} id="coord-field">
// Results
{exp:low_search:results query='{segment_3}' limit='12' distance:to='cf_lat|cf_lng' distance:unit='mi'}
... Results
Is this at all possible? Thanks in advance.