I'm trying to order my results from a Solspace user search, but I can't find any way of sending a field to sort on via the same form as the main search one. The search results page redirects to a unique URL without passing any of the original form params (via get/post).
I can think of ways to do it via Resource Router, or query string or cookie stuff, but none feel like the 'EE' way to do that.
i.e. how to get {something_to_order_by} from the top tag to the bottom?
{exp:user:search return="reports/members/results"}
<input type="search" name="keywords" id="keywords" value="{keywords}" />
<input type="text" name="custom_fields" id="custom_fields" value="{custom_fields}" />
<input type="text" name="something_to_order_by" />
{exp:user:results orderby="{something_to_order_by}"}
<th><a href="/reports/members/results/{segment_4}/order:something_to_order_by">custom_field</a></th>