I have a rescue site where Solspace Tag is in use and seems to be randomly not working even though there are tags in entries.
EE 3.5.11 Tag 5.0.7
Most entries the exp:tag_relate_entries tag is working correctly. However on a couple of entries it is return no results despite there being results.
{exp:tag:related_entries channel="blog|self_help|books|music|bija-in-the-media|film_and_video|services|about_pages" orderby="relevance" limit="4" url_title="{embed:urltitle}"}
{if tag_no_results}
<div class="col-xs-6 .col-md-3">
<p>No Related Entries</p>
</div><!-- /.col-xs-6 -->
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3">
<a href="{if page_uri != ''}{page_url}{if:else}{comment_url_title_auto_path}{/if}">
<div class="tile">
<img class="img-responsive" src="{featured_image:ymal}" alt="" width="100%">
<div class="description green-{switch="1|2|3|4"}">
I have also added a testing div where I have hard coded tags that are in the entry looking for related tags and it outputs dozens of tags
{exp:tag:entries tag="breath|breathing|breathing into life|poem|poetry|practice"}
title: {title},