I am trying to load entries based on a date range that is selected by the user. On the front end of the site I have two input fields, the start day and end day of the date range. In the control panel, I have a custom date field (shipping_date), which is the field that will be compared to the inputted range.
What I would like is to pass those two dates inputted by the user into the channel entries tag in order to limit the entries to only ones where the shipping_date field is between the inputted date range. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of entries so I do not want to load all of them and then do the sorting on the front end.
So I guess my question is two fold:
Can ExpressionEngine out of the box limit entries by a date range based on a custom date field? So far my research says this is not possible without an add-on (Low Search seems to be able to handle custom field date ranges)
How do I pass inputted data from the user into either the channel entries tag or a plugin's tag?
Thank you in advance for any help!