I'm running a site with EE 2.11.9. I have a channel form that allows our members to update the title, description, etc. of the entry However, they can't edit the categories unless they belong to a Membership Group 1.
If a user belongs to Membership Group 1, then everything works fine. However, if they belong to Membership Group 2, then the categories are erased when they hit Submit to save the form.
Here is my code:
{if member_group == '1' }
<select name="category[]" id="categories" size="8" multiple="multiple">
{categories show_group="12"}
<option value="{category_id}"{selected}>{category_name}</option>
If I remove that part from the Channel form, then everything works fine (except admins can't edit the categories).
Any suggestions on how to save the current categories if you aren't an admin?