I'm in the process of transitioning a site from an older version of Objective HTML Gmaps to EE Maps by Reinos and I'm having trouble with one feature that the older Gmaps (or perhaps the Google Maps API) made quite easy.
When clicking on a "more map" button on the map, the map was redrawn and resized based on the larger height 150px <-> 400px. This was accomplished with:
google.maps.event.trigger(placesmap, 'resize');
With EE Maps, I'm struggling to make this same behavior happen. If anyone has any experience with this I'm at a loss. I've also given the updateMap EE Maps API call a go
EE_MAPS.api('', {
mapID : 'ee_map_1',
options: {height : '400px'}
But this likewise doesn't do anything. You can see the behavior on this page.