I created a conditional in EE6 using Bootstrap 5 to determine display call to action buttons to show side by side when even number and full width stacked when odd. Used output total grid rows to determine if even or odd. All is working fine except the even numbers are not respecting the col-6 tag which should align side by side, they're stacking as half width on even numbers (odd numbers stack full width across as expected). So I want the first and second buttons to be side by side on one row and the third and fourth buttons to be side by side on a second row. ref: https://snipboard.io/Di908h.jpg
<div class="row call-to-action-buttons call-{cta:total_rows}">
{if cta:total_rows % 2 != 0}
<div class="col">
<a href="{cta:cta_url}" >
<div class="call-to-action-box">
{if cta:total_rows % 2 == 0}
<div class="col-6 d-inline-flex">
<a href="{cta:cta_url}" class="col">
<div class="call-to-action-box">