I am using ExpressionEngine-5.4.0 with Transcribe v3.6 & Structure v4.7

In my site there is 3 languages (Azerbaijani, English, Russian)

And this is my settings for per language

  • Azerbaijani: no prefix, default language
  • English: /en/ prefix
  • Russian: /ru/ prefix

Homepage urls:

  • /en/welcome (EN Home)
  • /ru/welcome (RU Home)
  • /xos-gelmisiniz (AZ Home)

If the user's on site language is en or ru and if he types /xos-gelmisiniz to bar ExpressionEngine returns 404 page.


If user types /az/xos-gelmisiz on browser bar will work. Doesn't matter what language was on that time.

How can I fix that? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


These sound like issues that are specific to Structure and Transcribe rather than EE itself; have you tried asking for support from eeharbour / packettide (who are authors of both add-ons)?

  • we are waiting response from eeharbour Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 12:41
  • I don't want to debugging and changing plugin core. If there is a simple way i want to use that way first Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 12:43

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