I'm using Export It to export CartThrob orders channel data, and import in to another site using DataGrab.
When importing the orders channel with DataGrab one of Custom Fields is "Order Items" (which is a CartThrob Order Items field type). However, the corresponding custom fields options in the "Value" column are individually listed like this:
- order_items/product_title - eg, Waiting Here For You
- order_items/product_quantity - eg, 1
- order_items/product_price - eg, 0.00
- order_items/product_price_plus_tax - eg, 0
- order_items/product_weight - eg, 0
- order_items/product_shipping - eg, 0
- order_items/product_no_tax - eg, 1
- order_items/product_no_shipping - eg, 1
- order_items/product_extra - eg,
I need to assign all these values to the single Order Items field.
Any ideas?