I'm using the clustering feature in Google Maps for EE version 3.0.190 to plot people on a map, but have a problem as some people have the exact same coordinates as they're based at the same address.
I'm finding that the clustering marker shows this as 2 points, but as I keep zooming in, they never split. Until eventually, at the very last zoom level, the marker disappears completely.
Is there a way to work around this at all?
Here's the code I'm using:
{exp:gmap:init id="map1" class="gmap" scrollwheel="false" style="width:930px;height:700px" clusterStyles="{url: '/assets/images/cluster-icon-blue.png', textColor: '#fff', textSize: '12', height: 52, width: 53, anchor: [0, 0]}" overviewMapControl="true" overviewMapControlOptions="{opened:true}" zoom="6" center="Silecroft"}
{exp:channel:entries channel="people" status="open" disable="categories|category_fields|member_data|pagination" limit="1000" dynamic="no" sort="asc"}
{cf_people_geo_location id="map1" show_one_window="true" icon="/assets/images/map-icon-white.png" infobox="true" offsetY="0" offsetX="15" closeBoxMargin="5px" class="ui-infobox-dark" closeBoxURL="/themes/third_party/gmap/css/images/white-close-button.png" style="width: '250px'" clearanceX="10" show_one_window="true" clustering="true" extend_bounds="false"}
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