I recently installed 'Assets' by Pixel & Tonic for a client that has multiple member groups with access to the control panel. Each member group has varying permissions level. The install went fine, but as I was writing up the instructions for one of the members group, I switch my control panel access to a user within that group, 'writers' and notice that none of the images display in the Assets field.
Here is the field, a mini-photo-gallery, viewed as a super-admin
This is the same field, same record, viewed as a writer
I've adjusted the setting under the 'Writers' group, so that they now have access to the Assets Module (which I'm not certain is required), but they still can't view the added images, except on the front-end.
This seems to be directly related to permissions, but I can't seem to find what permissions are stopping a writer from viewing content that's obviously in the record. Especially, when they can add new items to the record.
So my question is, where should I go to look for other permissions that maybe interfering with the display of the images? We need all the groups that have access to the field_type, to be able to see what data has already been added to it, so that they don't re-add or can just verify that the correct photos have been added.
I've not had to deal with this in other installs of Assets, because generally there is just SuperAdmins and one member group level, like 'staff' who have access to the control panel.
Updated: The site is running ExpressionEngine 2.5.3, Build Date: 20120911 and Assets 1.2.2.