I updated to matrix 2.5.3 from version 2.4.3 on my mamp test setup and notice the following issues.
On the prior version matrix was outputting prices using a comma for the thousands_sep parameter. The new version of matrix no longer outputs the comma and in addition, adds decimal places:
Version 2.4.3 output: $279,950
Version 2.5.3 output: $279950.00
I notice the decimal settings now in the matrix field setup which I've used to remove the decimal places. However, I cannot find a way to get matrix 2.5.3 to use the thousands_sep as it was previously. Any solutions?
Here is the code, which did not change. neighborhood_plan_price is the variable in question:
{exp:channel:entries channel="neighborhood" dynamic="no" sort="asc" orderby="neighborhood_city" status="Not Closed" disable="categories|category_fields|member_data|pagination"}
<tr url="{path='neighborhood-detail/{url_title}'}">
<td><a href="{path='neighborhood-detail/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></td>
<td>{neighborhood_city}, {neighborhood_state}</td>
{if status == "Coming Soon"}
<td>Coming soon</td>
{if:elseif status == "Sold Out"}
<td>Sold Out</td>
<td class="dollar">{neighborhood_plans limit="1"}{neighborhood_plan_price}{/neighborhood_plans}</td>