Sorry, new code.
I have created a new channel - gallery. This channel has 4 custom fields - {gallery_page_heading}, {gallery_sub_heading}, {gallery_image} and {gallery_page_content}, {gallery_image} being my Matrix field. I also have a new template - gallery_page.
The code in my gallery_page template is as follows:
<div id="pageHeading">
<div class="wrap">
{exp:channel:entries channel="gallery" limit="1" disable="categories|category_fields|member_data|pagination"}
</div><!-- End wrap -->
</div><!-- End pageHeading -->
<div id="content">
<div id="contentWrap" class="clearfix">
<div id="mainContent">
<div id="breadcrumb">
<p>You are here: {exp:structure:breadcrumb inc_here="yes" here_as_title="yes" add_last_class="no"}</p>
</div><!-- End breadcrumb -->
{exp:channel:entries channel="gallery" url_title="{segment_3}" dynamic="no"}
{if gallery_image}
<div id="gallery" class="clearfix">
{gallery_image offset="{segment_4}" limit="{rows_per_page}"}
<div class="{switch="galleryImage|galleryImage|galleryImageLast"}">
<a href="{big_image}" rel="lightbox-gallery" title="{image_caption}"><img src="{small_image}" alt="{image_title}" /></a>
</div><!-- End gallery -->
{if segment_4 > rows_per_page}
<a href="{page_url/}/{exp:simple_math calculate='{segment_4}-{rows_per_page}'}">
{if "{gallery_image:total_rows}" > "{exp:simple_math calculate='{segment_4}+{rows_per_page}'}"}
<a href="{page_url}/{if segment_4}{exp:simple_math calculate='{segment_4}+{rows_per_page}'}{if:else}{rows_per_page}{/if}">
</div><!-- End mainContent -->
The images display on the page as they should, the 'next' pagination link displays when it should but it still links to an empty page. The gallery is currently held at
and when the 'next' link is clicked the url changes to
. This page doesn't exist though and doesn't show the remainder of the images.
Thanks again for your help!