I am planning to make a recipe channel (yes food/meal recipes).
This would require an ingredient list. I plan to create a matrix field with rows for each ingredient. This matrix would have a qualtity column (i.e "1 tblsp") and a ingredient column.
I wish for the ingredient field in the row to be a relationship selection (e.g playa) so that we can maintain a list of ingredients, and it also would allow us to see all recipes that use a particular ingredient. The reason why ingredients need their own channel is because many ingredients will have meta data around them because they are sponsored and may have a link associated where a person could buy that ingredient.
My question is:
How would you go about enabling people to create a NEW ingredient while building the recipe without breaking the workflow? Many times I expect the ingredient to exist but not until many recipes have been data entered.
I would love a modal inline safecracker form to popup to submit the ingredient entry but am not sure if playa has a js trigger for selecting a 'new' option in the playa list.