Yesterday I went live with a site from my development server (WAMP) to my production server (LAMP). I made all of my changes to paths and DB, and while the site was coming up, I was having some issues getting into the CP. I think it was a URL issue as the domain name under which I was developing was different than the live site. I finally got it straightened out and was able to get logged in.
Somewhere along the line, I must have made an adjustment that then broke things. The front end of the site still works, but I’m now getting the dreaded WSoD when accessing the CP. Very strange since it was workign fine. So somewhere I must have made an adjustment that broke things. Retracing my steps hasn't solved anything. Hopefully the following provides something that triggers an idea.
When logging in, it goes to the authenticate URL, then to the home page URL where it gives me the WSoD.
I've tried altering the URL to see if I could access other parts of the CP. Here are the results:
- WSoD – any of the add-ons (modules, accessories, extensions, field-types, plugins)
- WSoD – home page
- CAN ACCESS – templates, template manager, snippets, etc.
- CAN ACCESS – area to manage members and groups
I’ve tried to turn on debugging in my admin.php template, as well as the index.php and system/index.php. Doing so provides no additional information. I’ve also re-uploaded the files and dropped the DB and imported again.
I spent several hours last night trying everything I could think of. So any help is very much appreciated. The answer is probably in front of me, but my head is hurting from banging it on the wall!