I've just started using GWCode Categories for the first time, and have seen it oft-cited as a go-to solution here.

I need to rely on nested output for navigation, but I need classes on the <li> (similar to Structure's output). I see that there are variables to check for "has children" and I could compare cat_url_title to my segment vars to get the "here" status, but I don't see a way to get those onto the <li>.

Are those sorts of classes supported on the <li> and I'm missing something? Or is there a way to get nested output and write my own <li> tags?


1 Answer 1


You can use parameter style="linear" and can out the

  • according to your preference. Take a reference from this example at the add-on website: http://gwcode.com/add-ons/gwcode-categories/examples/example11

  • 1
    • 1
      Ah, so the depth tags are used in linear style to build the nested output with custom markup. I'll take a look & report back. Thanks! Commented Feb 8, 2013 at 13:49

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