I am using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2 with Multisite Manager installed.
I have a blog that is pulling entries from two different sites. I am able to successfully show those entries on the main blog page, but I am having trouble linking the entry to the correct site. The code I am using is trying to find all posts on the main site, when some of them exist on the 2nd site. Could someone tell me the correct way to do this? Here is the code on the main blog page:
{exp:channel:entries channel="news" site="default_site|characterized" orderby="date" limit="6" }
<div class="box">
<a class="img-holder" href="{url_title_path='news'}">
<img src="{news_thumbnail}" width="336" height="196" alt="image description" />
<div class="info">
<h3><a href="#">{title}</a></h3>
The part that's not working correctly is a href="{url_title_path='news'}" in the 3rd line above.