I had a custom field in a channel that was a standard text area. This was also included within a safecracker form. I recently changed the field to a RTE text area field, and all my existing entries updated nicely.
However I have this field in a safecracker form like so
<textarea rows="8" class="span16" name="my_custom_field" id="my_custom_field" value="my_custom_field">{my_custom_field}</textarea>
and now when an entry is submitted via the safecracker form, it throws up an error
with Message: Undefined property: EE::$rte_lib
So I am assuming this is because i have change this field. Can I easily change the safecracker form to work with this field?
Should add: I'm not worried about the RTE features being available on the front end, just in the CP. Not sure if this helps things!