My client sometimes needs to set a page as "Closed", but the url still gets traffic, and the users will now see a broken template page.
I would like to redirect the user to a 404 page upon visiting a "Closed" page.
How would I go about doing this? I'm very unfamiliar with EE, but because this site was made years ago by an earlier employee, I must find a solution to this, even with my lack of experience.
This exact type of question was explained here - redirect_to_404_when_expressionengine_entry_has_closed_status
...but I couldn't manage to make any sense of it, with so many comments giving different solutions and fixes of their own, I was left confused, and while trying what the post explains, I've yet to get it to work, and I can't necessarily follow the steps correctly, since I don't know too much about how EE works. This is a ExpressionEngine v 1.7.0 site.
I have FTP access and Super Admin access.