I have just updated a site to Assets 2.0.5. When I update the indexes, I get a list of files with the heading "There are some entries in the database that are out of date"
What does that mean and how safe is it to delete these files?
Coincidentally, after the update, I can no longer get EE image manipulations - I just get blanks where the images are supposed to be - no error messages.
My template code is:
{exp:channel:entries channel="catalogue" status="open|closed"}
<a href="{path='catalogue/products/{entry_id}'}">
<img src="{images:catalogue}" alt="{title}" title="© Design by MaJools" />
{product} is a matrix field type
{images:catalogue}, where images is the assets field type and catalogue is the EE manipulation.
If I just use {images} I get the image un-manipulated
This worked well before the upgrade.
Any suggestions?