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Anyone with PHP skills interested in updating an add-on for EE 5?

Obscure, (see files on GitHub), encodes all content between the tags {exp:obscure}{/exp:obscure} similar to the way the {encode} tag for email works in ExpressionEngine. Add-on provides additional ...
Megan McFarland's user avatar
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Trigger the member self activation email from custom add-on with member registration

So i have written a custom module to do some stuff, but part of that stuff is to register a new member into EE. All of that is working great, but, it doesn't send the self activation email out (even ...
JohnWBaxter's user avatar
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Send email from EE template with file get contents

I’m creating a custom ext. that handles form submission + email sending. When a form or reservation has been made the data is put in EE and 2 emails are being send. One email to the client and one to ...
Gaetan Lafaut's user avatar
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Send Email from custom Addon

I'm trying to send and email from a custom add-on using the Email Class and having no luck at all. I'm not totally sure how to debug this, as I've not got any server errors or anything like that. ...
Steve Holland's user avatar
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NTLM authentication with EE

My project needs NTLM authentication. This is not core function as i found here: Can ExpressionEngine….? Are there any existing add-ons which provide this? If not, where would be an appropriate place ...
Res's user avatar
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