Questions tagged [add-on-development]

For questions specific to the creation/development of ExpressionEngine addons which include Modules, Extensions and Plugins.

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Store Sessions Timer

We're looking for a plug in that is already made or someone who would know how to create a plug in for Store that would essentially create sessions for buyers. What I mean is that someone places Item ...
Cody DeLong's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

parse_variables multidimentional empty array?

I have a template tag that uses $this->EE->TMPL->parse_variables() to create a single item with an array of [items]. Array ( ... [accessRole] => reader [items] => Array ...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Plugin to conditionally update status via cron

I need to create a plugin to conditionally update the status on all entries in a channel each day based on a date field. I don't think I need to interact with a template in this case, so would want to ...
Romans-8---31-39's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Hook for Adding Custom Channel Entries Parameter Option

I'm trying to do something like orderby="custom_order" What hook would let you add and run a custom parameter option? Thanks!
Zac Gordon's user avatar
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Get the current entry/template fieldtypes in a plug-in

I'm working on my first, more complex add-on and had a question on gathering field properties. If I create a tag pair, which wraps a field inside a template, what would it take to get the tag ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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channel entries tag seems to run before my module function

The {exp:bmi_favorite:list_ids entry_type="recipe" site_id="1"} outputs 18|19 to be passed to the entry_id parameter. It does not work, unless I manually add the 18|19 into the entry_id, like entry_id=...
Brad's user avatar
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Add on development. Database class not executing correct queries

i'm developing an addon. While developing i'm encountering a strange problem that I don't know how to solve. It's like EE is executing the wrong queries or something. For example, when I call this ...
Dion Snoeijen's user avatar
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Best method to split module mcp file into multiple files

We are developing a module and the controller mcp file has become quite large. I wondered if there is a best practice for splitting this into multiple files. It's a collection of methods in the class ...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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Update channel entry

I'm new to EE. Actually I have some problem updating a entry. This is my code: ee()->load->library('api'); $data_item = array( 'stock' => '4' ); ee()->api->instantiate('...
Growlab's user avatar
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2 answers

Member "change log" addon for EE

Is there an equivalent of a Change Log addon to track members actions in the CP for EE? I'm haven't seen anything like that unless I'm missing some native functionality.
jsuissa's user avatar
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Retrieve Assets file data from custom module

I'm writing a custom module that's going to need to retrieve channel data using a direct database query. One of the custom fields is an Assets image and I need to get the full image URL and alt_text ...
Darren's user avatar
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4 votes
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Initialize Wygwam within Custom Fieldtype

I'm developing a fieldtype add-on and within the fieldtype, I would like to include the option to let users choose Wygwam as the text element, if they have it installed. Is there some sort of a "...
pseudoclass's user avatar
3 votes
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Parse exp:channel

Is there any way to parse tags exp:channel in a third party module. In my custom module I need to call exp:channel, but need to get entry ids before final rendering of the module. Can anyone know how ...
Dhanu's user avatar
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15 votes
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Tools for learning ExpressionEngine addon development

What are the available tools/tutorials for learning to develop ExpressionEngine addons (modules, fields, extensions, plugins and accessories)?
Anna_MediaGirl's user avatar
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Load RTE into custom module for use in control panel

is there a way to load the RTE javascript in a module for the cpanel? I have tried the following, but keep getting an error when refreshing the page: ee()->load->library(array('javascript', '...
4razmus's user avatar
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Prevent multiple add_to_head() calls

In function display_field(), if a fieldtype needs to use ee()->cp->add_to_head('/path/to/foo.css') and ee()->cp->add_to_foot('/path/to/bar.js'), how can I get it to do so only once, even ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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Old ExpressionEngine builds [duplicate]

Is there an official resource for downloading previous EE builds for add-on development/testing. I have recently started archiving all versions of EE and add-ons that I install, however I have only ...
Jeremy Worboys's user avatar
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Version market share

I don't know how one would track such things, but does something exist/can something be built that tracks an estimation of the market share for each version of EE? The reason I ask, is that if such a ...
Jeremy Worboys's user avatar
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Adding module configuration settings to config.php

As here, I'm looking to set some variables for a module. Creating a DB table seems a bit overkill (or maybe it's really not). I've noticed that the Simple Commerce Module does two things: creates DB ...
cherrypj's user avatar
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Custom config files in an EE addon

I moved a custom addon out of system/third_party into a third_party folder above web root all was well until I realized that the addon didn't account for a different third_party folder location I ...
mjr's user avatar
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Bundling Plugins and Templates

I looked at EE's Addons and the closest thing I can think off is to use Modules. However, the templates that I have in mind are using EE tags. I looked at EE's pre-installed modules and they seem to ...
developarvin's user avatar
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How do I add an XID hash to an old addon?

I'm using an older EE2 addon that doesn't appear to have support for secure forms. Does anyone know how to add the hidden XID hash field to the form via the addon code? I guess I'm really looking to ...
Jim Pannell's user avatar
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How to load CodeIgniter language file into ExpressionEngine add-on?

in a custom add-on I am writing I am using Upload library. I cannot use $this->EE->load->library function because I'm rewriting some code, so I'm creating instance using this code: if ( ! ...
Yuri Salimovskiy's user avatar
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pagination with current URL in custom module

I added pagination to a module, in a mod.filename.php Below is my code, it outputs the pagination (after it lists all the reviews) if you pass yes into the template tag parameter as seen below. After ...
Brad's user avatar
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3 answers

With the hook entry_submission_end, is it possible to know if the entry is inserted or updated?

I'm working on an extension that indexes the content of the entry when publish form is submitted, but I need to know if the entry is a new one or an updated one, and in both case, I need the entry_id (...
pvledoux's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I add a new action in update method of my .upd module file?

I can't find any resources explaining how to use the update() method of a .upd file in module development. All the tutorials gloss over it saying things like; "we don't need this right now, so we ...
charliefortune's user avatar
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How do I get the resized version of an image in a fieldtype plugin?

I have a custom fieldtype on my site which allows you to upload an image and draw on it. However, while the site uses a resized version of the image, the fieldtype displays the full-sized version when ...
ninjachicken1's user avatar
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Is it possible to call public methods in my module using the core codeigniter mvc routing?

I am developing a module which resides in the third_party directory of my expression engine install, which includes a public method which sends an email when called via cron. Currently the only way I ...
charliefortune's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I add configurable variables to my add-on?

I have developed a module, and now I would like it to make it configurable by admin users. How do I go about adding editable variables (I assume to the control panel page) and how do I later access ...
charliefortune's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

TMPL->parse_variables_row() not available in model?

I have a model (core_model.php) with lots of functions in there, however having an issue with the following one in specific : Class core_model { function __construct(){ $this->EE =&...
madebyhippo's user avatar
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possible for custom module entries to show up in search results

I built a custom module that has its own group of tables that holds the data, it uses mcp.module_name and mod.module_name for the back/frontend I want to know if there is a hook or some api that ...
Brad's user avatar
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custom form validation class for a module I am building

I am building a module for EE2 and I want to extend CI's form validation library. I also want a separate language file too, kept within my module's directory so it's separate from future EE updates. ...
Brad's user avatar
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Passing preload_replace variables into a plugin

I've been working on my first EE plugin today, and I need to make it dynamic by passing either a PHP variable, or I would have thought I can use a preload_replace variable, from the template that ...
Andrew Armitage's user avatar
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2 answers

{if} conditional prevent running module function

I created a module for GitHub's API and am having trouble preventing the module's function {exp:cl_github:repo_contents_archive} from running given a conditional. The reason this is imperative is that ...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a helper function to generate a link to a member profile for a control panel view?

Does EE have any built in classes or helper functions to perform common tasks in module code? In this instance, I want to generate an href to a member profile to use in a control panel view, from a ...
charliefortune's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I limit access to certain actions based on member role?

I only want a particular action to be available to certain user types. Is there a way to 'bake' this in when I register the action in my module install file, or do I need to check authorisation in the ...
charliefortune's user avatar
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upload library not working in module I am building

I've been stuck trying to upload a file in a module I am buidling. I've tried using the EE instance and now I am trying the CI instance. I've checked permission settings and those are fine for the ...
Brad's user avatar
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Possible to add data-validate="x" to Safecracker form tag?

I'm wanting to add a new parameter (data-validate="parsley") to the Safecracker form tag. I know this isn't possible out of the box but was wondering whether it was possible to write a simple(ish) ...
Jim Pannell's user avatar
3 votes
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save_entry or submit_new_entry Channel API Methods: How do you store module field data?

I am working on an add-on solution where I would like to create a channel entry and set a value to a module custom tab field for that entry. Here's some code to share what I am up to: $this->EE-&...
SethG's user avatar
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Where to find dev documentation for multiple fieldtypes

I have looked at the docs for 2.6, but am unable to find an explanation for how to set up multiple fieldtypes in a single package. Can anyone enlighten - I really need this ability.
John de Beer's user avatar
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Fieldtype display_field() function converting to htmlentities()?

I'm having some trouble where my display_fields() function is converting my json encoded data from $data into htmlentities(). Here's my function: function display_field($data) { error_log($data);...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
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2 answers

Get old fieldtype data to prepend with new?

I am trying to create a fieldtype that requires comparison to it's previous data. Any idea how to get this data in the save() function? I tried using $this->field_data but that just returns the "...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
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Fieldtype runs validate() multiple times?

I'm trying to create a custom fieldtype that's display_field() function produces a collection of <input> boxes. The problem I am having is that the validate() function in my ft.x_fieldtype.php ...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
2 votes
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File Field Class in a custom Add-on - Javascript click event not attaching

I'm using the Entry Widgets Add-on and as part of that I'm trying to create a new widget for it which contains a File FieldType. So I'm using the File Field Class which comes with EE to accomplish ...
Steve Holland's user avatar
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Determine if display_field is request from {safecracker} tag vs. backend?

:) I am trying to develop a new fieldtype and would like to display different markup depending on whether the field was requested by the user or in the backend. Is there a reliable way to detect in ...
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
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2 answers

Fieldtype replace_tag() not firing

I have a custom field type that I've developed that I'm having a problem with. If I do something like {field return=""} everything parses fine. I'm ...
Joseph W's user avatar
3 votes
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Trying to write a simple extension... problem 1, getting it to enable!

I'm trying to put together a simple Extension that will update an existing database table when an entries in a specific channel are set to 'open'. I have been looking at the Ellislab tutorial on ...
foamcow's user avatar
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Get matrix row/cell data in entry_submission_end hook?

Anyone know the proper way to get data stored in a matrix row from the entry_submission_end hook for use in an addon?
spacesuitdiver's user avatar
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returning settings of channel Field using channel_api

I'm trying to pull up the 'settings' from some fieldtypes, particularly the safecracker_file or the file fieldtype. I've instantiated the API and I'm calling : $this->EE->api_channel_fields-&...
madebyhippo's user avatar
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How do I mock parameters and tagdata when using testee?

I've gotten as far as getting a tag to run with it's default parameters, but I have no clue on how to fake the passing of parameters and tagdata. I've checked the documentation for testee and munged ...
epocsquadron's user avatar