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Questions tagged [assets]

Image-management module by Pixel & Tonic.

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New Filemanager in EE7 and Assets-Addon

For years we are using the Assets-Addon by EEHarbor as our filemanager. Now we have a rather big file-structure with maybe 4000, 5000 files (mostly images). Now with EE7 a new Filemanager has been ...
BNetz's user avatar
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3 answers

Replacing spaces in image file names

I'm working on an upgrade of an EE2 site to EE6. The site is using Assets and CE Image. A lot of the images that have been uploaded over the years (since 2012) have spaces in the filenames. CE Image ...
Tyssen's user avatar
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Assets and s3 Expression Engine 2

We run a really old website on EE2.... we're not in a position to upgrade for various reasons. I've just come to hookup s3 with the Assets module and when putting the secret id and access key and ...
Third_Hyperion's user avatar
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Use the same Assets library across multiple sites

I'm developing two sites to work off the Multi-Site Manager in EE 5.2.2 and ideally would like them to share the same image library as the same logos, adverts and some other images are used on both ...
striio's user avatar
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Expression Engine 4 / Assets numeric value out of range for column 'filesize' error

We use Expression engine 4 and the latest Assets. After adding a new external source (AWS S3), and trying to update index, I'm getting an error: "Numeric value out of range value for column '...
webmaster_sean's user avatar
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Assets field inside grid inside fluid

I’m having an issue where I'm using Assets (EEharbor) inside a EE Grid, inside an EE Fluid field. I think I have the tags correctly set up, it’s outputting the correct number of results (files) from ...
Ben's user avatar
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Migration from Assets to native File Manager

Is there an easy way to migrate Asset-Fields to the native File Manager without loosing the referenced Image?
albuvee's user avatar
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Assets: Clean up Upload-Directories

I'm using Assets almost since day one. And 7 years ago was, well, a whole other time. ;-) Many things changed, but the Assets-Configuration on one quite large project stayed the same since. Those days ...
albuvee's user avatar
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Does Assets fields work in Calendar (solspace)

I have an assets field being used inside a {exp:calendar:events entry and the field is not parsing. <img src="{calendar:event_photo:url:thumb}" title="listing image"> is notparsed at all &...
Peter Eastwood's user avatar
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Assets / S3 and Cloudfront Invalidation Issue

Recently moved the site to a new server with php7 and configured AWS for assets. When I upload images, I get an error in the console as follows: <div style="border:1px solid #990000;padding-left:...
madebyhippo's user avatar
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WYVERN not showing images due to relative paths (Multi Site Manager, EE2.11.7)

I've got a secondary site using WYVERN. Everything works fine, and when I insert an image, WYVERN puts /files/imagePath/image.gif In the code. So the code is correct, but since I am viewing the EE ...
4midori's user avatar
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Fatal error: Call to undefined method Assets_ft::content_id()

I've updated assets from an ancient 1.* version to latest 3* and everything looked ok apart when I've tried to edit a page. I'm getting the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method ...
Steven's user avatar
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How can I conditionally reveal content of an asset based on day of the week?

I have an asset called specials. There is one special for each day of the week. On the homepage I'd like to have that days special 'magically' appear upon page load in the designated area. Anyone ...
Tre's user avatar
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Deployment server feautures [closed]

Help me to deploy expressionengine in Linux CentOS Server… Medium traffic website, we have 255 MB of database, 55 GB of static file. Provide me with proper webserver, database server, hardware ...
Muhammed Thaha K's user avatar
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exp:assets:files fixed_order parameter not working

Assets 2.6 EE 2.9.3 I have the following test code in an otherwise empty template {exp:assets:files fixed_order="3922|834|3991" } <p>{file_id}</p> {/exp:assets:files} I would expect it ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Can download image, but can't view it

We can download an image off our EE site, but the image doesn't display on the site itself. Any idea what could cause this? We're using EE 2.6.1.
kroppian's user avatar
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Solution for cloud hosting images on EE3?

I'm have been using P&T Assets to easily integrate with Amazon S3. Is there any option out there for cloud hosting and EE3? Can I still use Assets?
Leanna's user avatar
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Assets errors with MySQL 5.7.X

I've started having issues with old EE sites on my development machine now that I'm running newer versions of PHP and MySQL. I've been able to sort most of these out except for the following MySQL ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Assets hangs on update index

Assets 2.6 EE 2.10.3 This is a rescue site which I didn't build and I'm trying to get it working on the server. When I go to assets, which I just upgraded to the latest version, and try to update ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Display an array of pictures in order

I need to display an array of pictures in order but i am not aware of how to accomplish this. this is an EE 2.4 system.
Pete's user avatar
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Bug when using conditional on Assets field value, followed by regular Grid tag

I am using EE 2.10.1, with Assets 2.6. I'm getting a very strange bug in my template. I have an assets image field, and a grid field that contains an Assets column. A PHP Error was encountered ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Unable to upload files

I need to get images added to a team page, however there is no error message showing, when viewing images that are in the library, they are showing as checkered boxes (checkered wallpaper). Not ...
impact0's user avatar
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Limit S3 Upload Size in P&T Assets?

I'm having a problem where my client keeps uploading 6MB 300PPI images and crashes the server when CE Image tries to process them. So I figured I could just go into Assets and limit the upload size ...
kmgdev's user avatar
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How to prevent Assets uploads within Wygwam for specific user group(s)?

I have created a restricted user group for external bloggers; I want to be able to prevent them from uploading images via Assets, but I'm not sure how. I've restricted access to the Assets module for ...
Lane Denson's user avatar
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Assets 2.6 Uploading Fails

could not upload the file - server returned an unexpected response. please check the server settings I have read every single post about Assets upload fails here (I think!), but sadly, nothing is ...
Joelle Reeder's user avatar
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Help! Unable to save Assets entries in Grid

Unable to save Assets entries in GridI'm using Assets 2.6 on EE 2.10.2 running with Publisher 1.6.8 I'm able to define Assets fields within Grid fields. The resulting Asset Fields work insofar as ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Assets - Strict Standards Error

I have a error on the back-end of my clients site relating with assets which I urgently need to resolve somehow. It is using Assets 2.4 and EE 2.7.1 Strict Standards: Static function ...
Vladyn's user avatar
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Unable to save Assets entries in Grid

I'm using Assets 2.6 on EE 2.10.2 running with Publisher 1.6.8 I'm able to define Assets fields within Grid fields. The resulting Asset Fields work insofar as they open Assets and allow the ...
JCOGS Design's user avatar
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Assets - "The file cannot be found" error

We have a few entries that work well on the live site, but when editing on staging server we get the following error: An Error Was Encountered The file cannot be found This might be the same issue ...
Farmer1's user avatar
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P&T Asset and Google Cloud Storage

I've created a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and enabled what I believe to be the right place for the Secret and Access ID - however, I'm getting the following error whenever I try to save and the ...
madebyhippo's user avatar
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Word separator for file names

The default file name separator for Expression Engine is an underscore. And this cannot be changed. But the url title word separator is. For seo purposes, our client asked if it is possible to use ...
Diederik's user avatar
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Assets for ExpressionEngine 3.x

Will Assets be updated to work with EE 3.x? We're developing a website for a client that will be load balanced and using S3 for files and would like to use Assets for the S3 integration, however, the ...
Jon's user avatar
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Assets in Grid In Low Variables - multiple files

EE 2.10.1 Lv 2.6.1 Assets 2.6 I've got a Low Variables grid with a once cell Assets and in the assets you can upload multiple images. Using this thread I was able to successfully display a single ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Assets Module Not Working

My Assets plugin is not working on EE 2.4. It continually loads. Also when I try to add an asset when adding an entry, nothing comes up when I click "Add File". I have Super Admin access and when ...
The Hawk's user avatar
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Assets field in a grid field PHP error message

I have a grid field named 'cf_results', which has a column named 'file' which is an assets data type. The other columns are text types named 'link-text' and 'link-url'. There will either be a file or ...
Paul Frost's user avatar
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Missing thumbnails in Assets

Images were working in EE's native File Manager, but were blank in Assets. I checked all the usual suspects, reindexed them with native EE File Manager and Assets, but the problem persisted. Andris at ...
4midori's user avatar
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How to trigger P&T Assets to Update Indexes from a template

I have created a PDF generating tool that creates certificates for members, creates a sub-folder within a one of my file upload directories, then places the file into the new directory. I am trying ...
Orangeberry's user avatar
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Cannot upload images to Expression Engine using assets

I'm getting the error : Could not upload the file - server returned an unexpected response. Please check the server settings. Now I've checked numerous posts already to try and solve it, I've ...
Adam Ascroft's user avatar
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Can Assets rename files on upload?

I have client who is uploading files with lots of naming issues; Spaces, dots, parenthesis, and other characters in the filenames. Is it possible to strip out the special characters, automatically, ...
SteveO's user avatar
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Some Assets images missing from matrix fields after upgrade

Upgraded from 2.5.2 to 2.10.1 and now some of the Assets stored images are missing from Matrix fields in some entries (The rows are blank with just a caption left behind and the 'Add file' button. I ...
Erbert's user avatar
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Https problem with channel form

I have a problem with a channel form working over https.My form allows users edit their profiles for a staff directory and has a lot of fields including some assets , wygwam and matrix fields.When i ...
bhackett's user avatar
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Assets: Cannot upload file using "simple file input" method

I have an assets field called "member_thumbnail" on my "members" channel (created by zoo visitor). When I make a channel:form edit form or the equivalent edit form from zoo visitor, I am able to ...
Ty Fujimura's user avatar
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CE Image, Assets, S3 and Caching

We’re using CE Image along with Assets images stored in S3. We’ve used curl to go through all the pages so that CE Image does its thing to the image and stores its “made” image in S3. The hopes is to ...
Roger Erik Tinch's user avatar
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Assets - Channel Form - Renaming files upon upload throwing error

I am using an Assets field for a single file upload to Amazon S3 in a Channel Form, with the simple form input code: <input type="file" name="comment_attachment"> <input type="hidden" name="...
Rob's user avatar
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How can I show an Assets image within my Low Search Results?

How can I show an Assets image within my Low Search Results? Ive tried the variable name and using the pair {my_assets_field var_prefix="file:}{file:url}{/my_assets_field}
Kevin's user avatar
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Assets External Source File Directory Number?

When adding an external source to Assets like S3, the database doesn't store that directory. So I am unable to figure out what the file directory number is. I am using the {exp:assets:folders} tag ...
Justin Clarke's user avatar
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Migrate site, Assets not displaying files

I've checked the other threads on this, removed the cached files, cleared my browser cache and changed CP to cookies only and it's not helping. Assets won't display anything but the file folders. I ...
Lisa Ellington's user avatar
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Assets not working with Amazon S3 external source

I have set up an external source for S3 and it's not working. I cannot update the index - the white bar shows up but nothing happens. I cannot upload - when I try, I get this error dialog box: "Could ...
Chego's user avatar
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How complicated would it be to move from grid containing assets to a standalone assets?

I'm updating an old EE1 site that used to use matrix with a file field for downloadable files and a text field for the optional download text. I've successfully migrated the content into a new EE2.10 ...
BellamyStudio's user avatar
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Moved website to another server, now the File Uploader (assets plugin) doesn't work.

I'm new to ExpressionEngine. I just moved a ExpressionEngine website to another server, got everything to work except for the images uploaded with assets (file uploader manager)... I checked the HTML ...
Teddan's user avatar
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