Questions tagged [captcha]

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Creating a custom word list using system/user/config/captcha.php seems to have no effect

I created a file in system/user/config/captcha.php to overrule the standard captchas. It has the following content. <?php return [ 'accordion', 'guitar', 'bagpipes', 'banjo', 'drums', '...
mcwhitey's user avatar
3 votes
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Channel Form, make Captcha field required

I'm using EE 2.9 and have the form below, can you make the Captcha field required? {exp:channel:form channel="test" return="test/thank-you" logged_out_member_id="1" dynamic_title="[question]" status="...
Mark's user avatar
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Translating Captcha Freeform Pro

we are using Freeform Pro and Transcribe to build forms and translate content. Using the composer tag, is there a way for the CAPTCHA label 'Please enter the word you see in the image below' to be ...
Scott Harrington's user avatar
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Need quick Fix for captcha security flaw in EE 2.x

On the registration form page, you take note of the captcha code and fill the form with errors (i.e.: unmatched passwords). Reload the page , you now have a new captcha image. Fill the form correctly (...
laurent's user avatar
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Is there a way to "Refresh" Captcha?

Is there a way to refresh the Captacha value without having to reload the page? If so, how?
forrest's user avatar
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Enable Membership Captcha on specific forms in ExpressionEngine

I am working on a website based on ExpressionEngine, which requires captcha on the member registration form. For this, I enabled Membership captcha, and added the below code in the form. {if ...
vmehra's user avatar
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Captcha validation fails with the rating form

I just installed Solspace Rating module and included the rating form like this: {exp:rating:form entry_id="{entry_id}" allow_duplicates="no" anonymous="yes" collection="neueroeffnungen" return="...
Victor's user avatar
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The form you submitted contained the following errors

I am a new user of Expression Engine and the version I am using is 2.5.2 and whenever I try filling the contact us form unto submission, I have the following error. Kindly note that CAPTCHA is not ...
Laredo's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting CAPTCHA to work with Freeform

I'm trying to add a CAPTCHA to a Freeform (free version) form. The form is a callback request form that features in the header of the site, so is visible on every page and is not linked to a specific ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Cannot get captcha to work

I'm trying to use the new channel form captcha functionality, and I never get the fields displayed, apparently because the {if captcha} conditional always fails. However, like one of the blog posts I ...
xeno's user avatar
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2 answers

How to disable default captcha input on Expression Engine

I tried to implement the below extension on Expression Engine. It is loading fine on the registration page. But I can see a text box along with this recaptcha box. Can any one explain me how to remove ...
Abu Sithik's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Can't stop spam registrations, using Freemember

I'm having a nightmare with spam registrations! Can't seem to stop them. We have changed the Profile Trigger Word to something completely random, and use Freemember to register members. We have ...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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Freeform Composer spam prevention recommendations?

I'm using Composer to create my form and the Channel Entry Fieldtype ( to output it. Works great and is so simple. But a spambot just made ...
jphansen's user avatar
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3 answers

expression engine 2.7 channel form tag captcha isn’t working

I have 2 forms that are using the channel form tag, not Freeform, and the CAPTCHA isn’t working. I have made sure all of the preferences have been addressed and that all paths to any images are ...
DVLPR's user avatar
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Why doesn't Freeform Captcha show?

I am working on a contact page that uses Freeform 4.1.5 and for some reason the Captcha does not show. I have taken the required step of confirming that captcha is required for logged in users, but ...
forrest's user avatar
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Snaptcha failing if multiple User registration forms on same page

I'm using snaptcha for Solspace User registration forms. Background info here: User registration failing Snaptcha security test every time There are two registration forms on the page - one for each ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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User registration failing Snaptcha security test every time

I’m using EE 2.7.2 and Snaptcha 1.7 I’ve applied Snaptcha to my Solspace User registration form, however it is causing all form submissions to fail the security test. My only thought is that maybe ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Captcha showing in comment form even with captcha off?

In my comment form I use {if captcha}...{/if} to only show the captcha if it is required. It is showing up for non-logged in users and not for myself, which makes sense. The question is: How do I ...
Michael G's user avatar
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Solspace Freeform Pro Captcha Error erases all form data

I'm using Freeform pro 4.1.3 and everything is working great with the default EE captcha, etc. However, when your captcha field is incorrect or not filled in, all of the data is lost on submit. This ...
Jon Nixon's user avatar
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EE2: Captcha if statement not working

I am trying to add a captcha to a site that is running EE 2.6.1. I am using solspace freeform 4.0.12 (the free version, not pro) and accessible captcha 2.3. The code for the captcha is <tr> ...
lucky.hooligan's user avatar
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CAPTCHA not displaying within an internal network

I have a site that contains simple captchas for a contact form and registration form. The captchas have and continue to function fine on all networks except for the internal network of the client who ...
Mykl's user avatar
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Force stock captcha to random string?

Is there a setting to force the stock EE captcha to use a random string instead of the word list in /config/captcha.php? I was able to do it by copying the random string generator from the ...
Jim Wyse's user avatar
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CAPTCHA not registering as on/Image not appearing

I have three sites that I'm adding CAPTCHAs to (,, and On ...
lucky.hooligan's user avatar
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How can I use a captcha in a form that is not an add-on?

I'm using a form in a web page that is standard html and css, NOT any kind of Exp Eng add-on tag set. Is there a way to use Exp Eng's captcha system directly in a webpage form like a typical Exp Eng ...
Bob Foster's user avatar
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FreeForm Pro, Composer form not displaying Captcha, despite Show for logged_in = YES

Latest version of FreeForm Pro 4.0.11 Version of EE is 2.4.0 (but I would only upgrade if I really really have to) Freeform form made with Composer, captcha added. (But it wont appear on fronted) ...
Jorix's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the Server Path not Valid?

I am hosting a client site on HostGator running Plesk. I got the server path from their documentation and confirmed it with tech support, however, when I enter the server path in the necessary ...
forrest's user avatar
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3 answers

Freefom, Captcha and Ajax Submission

I have a Solspace FreeForm 4 form (free version) which I need to submit using Ajax. I can handle all the field validation in my JS but how do I handle a captcha error?
Anna_MediaGirl's user avatar
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