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Channel form not working for Members

When I am logged in as super admin then the channel form works (inserting the new entries to the channel) but when I am logged in as a normal user(members group user or guest user) then it does not ...
Arjun Kumar's user avatar
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1 answer

Insert Selected Channel into the Template

We are creating a template that our client would use on many pages of their website, for example 'Accordion Layout Template'. So we create a page 'Bikes', assign the 'Accordion Layout Template', then ...
user9631's user avatar
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Calculation {member_field} * {channel_field}

Is there a simple way to do this calculation on a page without using PHP on output? I have a member_field with a value and a channel_field with a value and want to output {member_field} * {...
Werner Gusset's user avatar
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Load Entry Via Ajax - After filtering from dropdown menu

I am wondering if you can point me in the right direction here. Here is what I want to happen. 1) Site visitor visits the site and sees an elected official displayed on the home page. Next to this ...
user808's user avatar
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Loop a new section (outside loop) after every 2 entries

This is a strange one I've never come across over 5 years developing with EE. There may be a simple solution but I'm not seeing it! Essentially, I need to create a dynamic loop that outputs a ...
kala233's user avatar
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Channel Entries Month Without Year?

I'm trying to display all entries in certain months without caring about what year it's in. Currently the tag looks like (for February as an example): {exp:channel:entries channel="{embed:...
Regnant's user avatar
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require_entry problems with more than 2 segment The first Expression Engine segment (recipes) represent the recipes channel, and the second segment represent an entry (here apple_pie) If an entry doesn't exist or is ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Display channel entries using search:field_name across muitp[le channels

I need to be able to tell ExpressionEngine to display entries from multiple channels using the search:field_name parameter. The custom fields will be from different channel field groups (set to ...
Tony's user avatar
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2 answers

Channel Entry API and Grid field

I'm looking for a way to handle a grid field with the channel entry API. Documentation has nothing, and could barely find anything else online about except for this: Inserting a new Grid row using ...
Owen Kavanagh's user avatar
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Channels and entries structure on site with deep hierarchy

I'm trying to wrap my head around the most efficient way to set up entries in EE for my site structure. This is my first EE build, coming from a Wordpress background and I'm looking for opinions on ...
jbirthler's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

group items from channel, by 8

I want to group entries by 8. The last div demonstrates that there might be an exact amount of entries that are divisible by 8. <div class="item-container active"> item 1 item 2 item 3.. ...
Brad's user avatar
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How can I create 2 different layouts on same page with channel entry list and single channel entry?

I am creating a page in my site with a list of entries under 1 channel. I have the template structure as follows: collections/ss14 collections/aw14 collections/index The ss14/aw14 templates pull ...
M dunbavan's user avatar
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Listing Clickable Channel Entries

I'm quite new to EE2 although fairly proficient with HTML, etc. This may seem as an easy question, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to make a clickable list of entries from our blog. ...
ArchangelX's user avatar
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Save revision on channel entry error

We've setup a site for a client to populate with their content and they are having a recurring issue when they go to 'save revision' or 'submit' the entry. If they've spent a bit of time adding the ...
Andrew Armitage's user avatar
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Channel Entries API and entry to a Category

Is it possible to add entries into categories when creating them with the Channel Entries API cant see anything in the documentation.
Anthony Ifon's user avatar
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Inside exp:channel:entries PHP Variable not working

From so long facing this issue, don't getting the result if I pass the php variable inside exp:channel's as paramater, I have mentioned the code below. $entryId = "1"; $entryId = "1|2|3"; {exp:...
jt.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Making a directory's A - B - C - D etc. links

I'm making a people directory with the A - B - C etc. links, where clicking a letter will take you to the people whose last names begin with that letter. I have a People channel with a last_name field ...
jphansen's user avatar
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Entry won't update

I'm at a loss on this one. I have an entry in my products channel. The status is wide. The entry is showing up on the home page. OK, great. But now I want to change some text on the entry. I make the ...
NotoriousWebmaster's user avatar
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5 answers

Change order of channel entries output with multiple channels

I have a channel entries call which is pulling in 2 channels (channel_1 and channel_2), what i want to be able to do is always make the first / latest post show from channel_1, even if channel_2 has ...
zizther's user avatar
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4 answers

Can I do {exp:channel:entries channel="*wildcardsearch*"}?

I have multiple channels that I'd like to include, and it would be more convenient to use a wildcard search than piped list. Is there an easy way to do this? Currently I'm thinking of defining a ...
jphansen's user avatar
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4 answers

Excluding a Category

I am using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2 I have a website that includes a featured blog post at the top, as well as a news section that all of my blog posts in chronological order. When a blog post is ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
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How can I prevent all entries from being listed with an arbitrary url?

This is quite a basic question I think, but when viewing a template with entries with the standard entries tag: {exp:channel:entries channel="mywebsite"} and if I replace the last segment with ...
noregt's user avatar
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2 answers

If url_title doesn't exist, display random entry

Edited to be more specific in regards to my other modules/plugins: I have a site that is basically set up like a printed calendar with an image on top and the content for the month below. The image ...
artmem's user avatar
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