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Questions tagged [channel]

ExpressionEngine’s Channel Module allows you to display content created using the Publish section of the Control Panel.

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2 answers

Using Parameters on a Multi Channel / Channel Tag

What I am trying to accomplish is a timeline view, the timeline results are spread over multiple entries, however all of those entries are linked by a field that has a matching id. For Example ...
mattsidjohn's user avatar
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Relate EE Entries with Location (Region/City/Place)

What is best way to relate EE Entries with location (Region/City/Place) example 1. Entry of Simba National Park, 2. Then i choose park category (Game Park, Beach Park, Cultural Park, Mountain Park) ...
Paultz's user avatar
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Create a new channel in php

I have a small php forum on my website that allows users to create posts and each post has a page that displays the content and where users can comment on that topic. For each post created a new ...
jflaax's user avatar
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Registering for different events, with each event having its own registration questions

I'm attempting to map out and build a fundraising website that would allow for an organisation to set up multiple events during the year. Users would be able to register for these events and get ...
David Leitch's user avatar
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Display 2 random entries from a channel in a random order

I have been using the following channel entries tag, thinking it was randomly selecting 2 entries from the channel on each page load, but it appears to be just selecting the first two and just ...
ccdavies's user avatar
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Disallowed Key Characters

I get the following error when accessing most pages on my site. Sometimes some of the pages load, sometimes not. Disallowed Key Characters
claire yaffa's user avatar
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Low Search - Cannot add collection from channels from category group

I'm working on an older site that was setup using Low Search. There are two main categories, and I need to add the blog into a collection, so that I can set the overall site search to pull entries ...
Cam's user avatar
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How to insert matrix rows data using channel API?

How to use channel entries api for creating channel entries which contains matrix field, I have a channel which contains some text fields and one matrix field.The channel api works fine when I insert ...
Nisar Uddin's user avatar
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Setting up redirects

I am currently working on a big project for a client where we are importing all of their content into ExpressionEngine. I written a script to do this which is fine, however, all of the URLS are going ...
Scott's user avatar
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Counting Results Outside Channel Tag

I have this peice of code: <div id="slide-block1" class="flexslider"> <div class="slides"> {exp:channel:entries channel="rotator-slides" ...
Husain's user avatar
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Channel Entry API and Grid field

I'm looking for a way to handle a grid field with the channel entry API. Documentation has nothing, and could barely find anything else online about except for this: Inserting a new Grid row using ...
Owen Kavanagh's user avatar
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Importer module for uploading CSV in channel entries is not working for grid

I am using grid in channel fields and using importer module for uploading CSV file to add/update channel data. But importer module dose not support for grid, then is there a way how can i use ...
amit jain's user avatar
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Playa link with matrix field is not working

I am using playa with in matrix field type and want to get the url of playa link. For eg:- I have created Channel (named as XYZ) and following fields as below : a) gallery_name : text b) gallery ...
amit jain's user avatar
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Multiple Channel Entries on Template - Works for Home Page - Not for Other Pages

I rarely do any crazy cross/channel templates. Most EE sites I've developed are based on individual channels. I did something that seems to be working for the home page, but not for the interior pages;...
Justin Meyers's user avatar
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Grid field type with 'row_id' variables is not working properly in channel tag

I am using grid type field for express engine channel and i want to show result based to row_id and it was working when i have entered row_ids but it is not working when row_id are not there. for ...
amit jain's user avatar
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Custom module, get channel_id so I can pass it to function: ee->api_channel_structure->delete_channel()

I am using api_channel_structure I want to correctly set up the uninstall function. To delete a channel I'm creating, I'm calling delete_channel. It requires a channel_id. Fine, but I only have a ...
Beertastic's user avatar
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Solspace color coding events by Category

I have a handful of events I need color coded. Here is my setup: Solspace Calendar using the Full Calendar theme, and setup by using this guide. Currently, everything works beautifully. I am ...
compiled's user avatar
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Moving channel from one msm site to another

Is there a way to move a channel from one msm site to another? Both sites are within the site installation.
therooster's user avatar
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Sql query to pull list of channels

I know this is a simple answer, but I can't remember the exact way to write an SQL query to use in a custom field for displaying a list of channels currently on the site. A Google search on the topic ...
Alexa Lohmeyer's user avatar
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Multisite - channel fields do not work in child template pages

Using expression engine multi-site. we have a master site "master-site" & a slave/child site "slave-site". I am creating a new channel "blogs" & it's channel fields. 1) Create "blogs" ...
Satyam Saxena's user avatar
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GraySquare: exp:channel:entries does not show all entries

I have a page that shows tips by month. It works well but for some odd reason, the {exp:channel:entries channel="tips"} does not return all tips. I query the database: {exp:query sql="SELECT t....
GraySquare's user avatar
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Wyvern and CKEDITOR

We're trying to get Wyvern/CKEDITOR to show up on our dashboard that we created. It shows up beautiful in the control panel, just not the dashboard. We've been scouring the web for clues or hints of ...
compiled's user avatar
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Custom Extension Help (entry_submission_absolute_end() hook)

I'm making a custom extension to add a channel entry's data to another remote database, but I only want to do this with certain channel(s). How do I check inside my extension hook what channel the ...
Maggie B.'s user avatar
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pagination gets This webpage is not available

I am totally lost. So pagination is something i have used many times except this time it gives an "This webpage is not available" ? i stripped down everything to the minimum and this is the code ...
Visual's user avatar
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Looping through channels, outputting field name, field type, field value

Given any Channel, is it possible to loop through all the entries and output the following: field name field type field value Assume that the Channel is unknown and can be any Channel. This means ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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Constructing a single page blog with pagination

Here's the scenario I have a bunch of blogs to be displayed. 9 blogs with short description in a grid, and then click on the caption to read more of the blog the blog grid url is
user3059's user avatar
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Solspace and Structure conflict?

So this is my problem. I am using Structure for a site. But, I am also using Solspace Calender-- particularly for the ICS function more than anything. (So, if there is another option out there that ...
Cedric's user avatar
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How do I order simple:Search results by channel?

I am using a simple:search form in the site footer to search specific channels and display results in search/results, but have not successfully been able to organize them per channel as of yet. Here ...
Alexa Lohmeyer's user avatar
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how to upload image and create channel entry using simple html form in expression engine

how can i upload image in a channel using simple html form and create a new entry for every individual entry in channel. i can't use channel form due to some issues so i have to upload it with simple ...
user3440483's user avatar
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I need to show channel entries in four columns and multiple rows ordered by latest entry first

I need to show channel entries in the form of a grid. The grid has four columns and five rows. Therefore I show the first 20 entries. I need to use pagination to show the next 20 entries. I am not ...
user3059's user avatar
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wrap pagination in class

I have a basic channel and I want the pagination to be at the top. I have got a pagination limit of 20 and output it like this {if '{count}'=='20' OR '{absolute_count}'=='{total_results}'} {...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Can't update an entry using Channel API without including title

I'm trying to update a channel entry using the Channel API function save_entry. ee()->load->library('api'); ee()->api->instantiate('channel_entries'); // Create input array $data = ...
Owen Kavanagh's user avatar
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Structure & Channel Forms not playing nicely

I'm using a new installation of EE (2.8.1) with the latest Structure version. I have a channel which allows entries to be submitted by the front-end user. However, when an entry is submitted via the ...
Cogweb's user avatar
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grouping by area

I have a channel called 'news' and have a dropdown box of the areas they relate to. What I would like to do is search the channel and find how many have been tagged by that type. I have my '...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Non existing content redirection

my google-fu failed again, and i have a serious problem. I have a channel and template for it called html, when i go to article name), it works just fine, but when i go to page....
JacobCZ's user avatar
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404 when accessing channel content

When I try and access channels in Expressionengin I get 404 pages... A URL like http://www.nameofsite/news/index.php tells me 'The requested URL /news/index.php was not found on this server." ...
Dan Lee's user avatar
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Problem with listing articles

i have a channel, called html5, that contains more articles (4 right now) and i have a template to show theese articles. When you open the, everything works: the default article is ...
JacobCZ's user avatar
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Auto insert a numerical value that increases by 1 to channel form field

I would like to be able to have members create codes, these codes are made of text based on drop down and should contain a numerical value that must be unique (with Channel Forms Grid (safecracker)) ...
user2929's user avatar
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Permission for all Entries in a Channel

Is it possible to assign a group of members some permissions based on channel? For example, assume that I have channel_1 and channel_2, and group_1. Can I give group_1 edit permission to all entries ...
Husain's user avatar
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How to Display Channel Fields in a Table?

Given a channel with unknown fields (including grids), is there a way to display all the channel's fields in a table? I need a tabular representation of the data I have so that I can sort, filter, etc....
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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Create User in the backend on channel form submission

I have a channel Retailers with channel fields: Title, Email, Country, etc.. On the front end the visitors on the site can enter information in this channel (if they are retailers) via the channel ...
vlatkorun's user avatar
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Allow un-logged in user access to a specific channel based on IP address

I am setting up a site that many different schools around the UK will log into. Our client would like to have schools access areas that are normally restricted by login without having to log in by ...
John Hunt's user avatar
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Is it possible to install/create goup channel on theme install automatically

I am looking to provide my client with the theme. Is it possible to install/create group channel on theme install automatically. For eg: In wordpress, We can create custom theme options and meta ...
user930026's user avatar
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query inside channel entries tag

I have a channel entry and I can return the {author_id} but what I would like to do is return more fields from author {title} {business_name} What is the best way to achieve this?
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Expression Engine channel content not showing

I am new to expression engine. I have a channel name "news" and I have published some pages. In my template, I have used code as {exp:channel:entries channel="news"} <h2>{title}<h2> {...
user930026's user avatar
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exporting channel - not the data

I have a new channel (locally) about 30 fields long I want to get this into my live site. Is there a way to export and import the actual channel structure into a live site without doing a full ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Limit relationship field options to those authored by current member group

I have a channel field that has a relationship to another channel. In cPanel, in the dropdown of the relationship field, I want it to only display the items in the other channel that was authored by ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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Parse custom field data in entry_submission_end_hook

What I'm trying to do is parse the custom field data sent to the entry_submission_end hook. Here's what I was able to dissect out of the channel entries module, but what I'm confused is how to ...
leblancexplores's user avatar
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Channels and entries structure on site with deep hierarchy

I'm trying to wrap my head around the most efficient way to set up entries in EE for my site structure. This is my first EE build, coming from a Wordpress background and I'm looking for opinions on ...
jbirthler's user avatar
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using globals in channel entry tag

so I am trying to use a dynamic variable, this works {member_id} {exp:channel:entries channel="vacancies" author_id="9"} and this does not {member_id} {exp:channel:entries channel="...
LeBlaireau's user avatar