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Questions tagged [channel]

ExpressionEngine’s Channel Module allows you to display content created using the Publish section of the Control Panel.

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Channel Short Name Fields Length Limitation

I have a field name with a long "Field Label" name and I want the "Short Name" to be consistent also. But I notice that ExpressionEngine truncates the "Short Name" to a certain length. So it seems ...
developarvin's user avatar
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Channel Entry - series of "connected" drop down fields?

I need to create a Channel wherein it will have a series of drop down fields. When a user selects a value in the first drop down, the next drop down goes from a disabled state to an enabled state and ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Help with channels and structuring content

I read somewhere that its good to use a channel for each page on your site, that way it makes it easy for the person who will ultimately be updating content to easily understand how its structured. ...
Jon's user avatar
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3 answers

How to search Channel entries using POST/GET?

When I check the checkbox for "Is field searchable?", what exactly does that offer me? I assume that means I can use that field in the Channel entries tag pair, such as: search:body="pickles" Is ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
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Getting the Blank / White page, but only for one channel

I have a channel called "Sub" that's essentially a catch-all for generic interior pages. All other channels (approximately 6) are loading fine, but the "sub" channel won't load anything in any ...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
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Matrix, Safecracker Registration - multiple channels for member fields

I got Matrix to represent line item entries and Safecracker Registration so I can use Channels as member fields. I will be creating 2-3 member groups, for example: Member Group A: field 1, field 2, ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Limit Channel Entry to 1?

Is there a way to limit channel entries to a specific number? For example, what if I had a "Company Details" channel (company name, address, telephone number, etc.). Generally, a site would only need ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
6 votes
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Native Calendar Tag: Disable next_path or previous_path if no entries?

Anyone know how to "unlink" the {next_path} or {previous_path} for {exp:channel:calendar} if there aren't any entries for the next or previous month when building the mini-calendar?
leblancexplores's user avatar
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Addon to handle data too complex for Channels/Playa/Matrix

I need to be able to add/edit/delete records whose data structure is somewhat complex and involves a lot of business rules for each database operation. For example: Some inserts are simple INSERTs, ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I prevent all entries from being listed with an arbitrary url?

This is quite a basic question I think, but when viewing a template with entries with the standard entries tag: {exp:channel:entries channel="mywebsite"} and if I replace the last segment with ...
noregt's user avatar
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3 answers

How to filter channel by numeric field?

If I have a channel with the custom field "Age" (numeric type) how can I filter the channel so that only entries with "Age" >= 24 are shown? Likewise what would be the way to define and filter a ...
Lea Hayes's user avatar
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Struggling with Categories

I'm new to EE and trying to learn how to use Channels and Categories. I've created a Channel, then created Channel Fields, then associated the two. I am able to add entries to that channel just fine. ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

How can I load different CSS files, depending on the channel?

I have four different channels and three different channel-specific CSS files (two get the same CSS). What's the best way to go about loading these CSS files depending on the channel? NOTE: I'm using ...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How to import data in EE?

I have a CSV that I'd like to import into EE. Looking at exp_channel_fields, I think I am able to connect them to the appropriate columns in exp_channel_data. Basically, it seems like the value in ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

If url_title doesn't exist, display random entry

Edited to be more specific in regards to my other modules/plugins: I have a site that is basically set up like a printed calendar with an image on top and the content for the month below. The image ...
artmem's user avatar
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1 answer

Calendar tag and ajax/jquery

Im using the calendar tag on a page and an iframe below it to display an event page. The iframe displays the latest event. When you click on a day in the calendar it calls that days event into the ...
Kippi's user avatar
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4 answers

mx_jumper contents not available outside channel:entries tag

I'm trying to set some mx_jumper content from within an {exp:channel:entries} tag, and then output it somewhere else on the page. The page is an entry page and available on a url such as: /blog/...
user avatar
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2 answers

Inconsistencies found in exp_channel_titles and exp_channel_data tables

While I was looking into a related issue, I found the following scenario: Entry IDs in the exp_channel_data table do not match entry IDs in the exp_channel_titles table. I want to clean these up so ...
Kelly Cook's user avatar
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4 answers

See if URL segment is in either of the custom fields and then show results

I'm able to get a simple search:custom_field="something" working fine after reading the docs. However, I'd like it to search three fields to see if the parameter passed through segment_3 is met and ...
Mike Dexter's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

EE Code within channel entries

Is it at all possible to have a text input or area field in which we could enter EE code to be processed by the template. For example, if we could have a text area called "Advanced Functionality" and ...
Mutual's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to modify the output of pagination urls?

I'm currently using the following code for pagination: {pagination_links} {page} <a href="{pagination_url}">{pagination_page_number}</a> {/page} {/pagination_links} ...
Jon Horton's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How can i order by a custom field in a channel entries tag?

I need to pull out all the entries in a channel that are of a certain type of category. But, i also want to be able to then sort the entries by the value of a custom field in that channel. So right ...
JohnWBaxter's user avatar
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{path=} tag resolving correctly in one channel but not in another

I generally make use of the {path='xyz'} tag within my channel entries, for all the usual reasons. However, I've realised that whilst it resolves the URL correctly in one channel (ie.
RickL's user avatar
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2 answers

Channel entry notification isn't working on entries created by SafeCracker

Channel entry notifications are not working on new entries generated by SafeCracker. This seems to be a recent development, as the notifications were working previously. The only change has been in ...
steve.n's user avatar
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