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Questions tagged [channel]

ExpressionEngine’s Channel Module allows you to display content created using the Publish section of the Control Panel.

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5 votes
4 answers

EE Code within channel entries

Is it at all possible to have a text input or area field in which we could enter EE code to be processed by the template. For example, if we could have a text area called "Advanced Functionality" and ...
Mutual's user avatar
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3 answers

Save revision on channel entry error

We've setup a site for a client to populate with their content and they are having a recurring issue when they go to 'save revision' or 'submit' the entry. If they've spent a bit of time adding the ...
Andrew Armitage's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Limit Channel Entry to 1?

Is there a way to limit channel entries to a specific number? For example, what if I had a "Company Details" channel (company name, address, telephone number, etc.). Generally, a site would only need ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

{path=} tag resolving correctly in one channel but not in another

I generally make use of the {path='xyz'} tag within my channel entries, for all the usual reasons. However, I've realised that whilst it resolves the URL correctly in one channel (ie.
RickL's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How can i order by a custom field in a channel entries tag?

I need to pull out all the entries in a channel that are of a certain type of category. But, i also want to be able to then sort the entries by the value of a custom field in that channel. So right ...
JohnWBaxter's user avatar
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4 answers

Excluding a Category

I am using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2 I have a website that includes a featured blog post at the top, as well as a news section that all of my blog posts in chronological order. When a blog post is ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Grouping Channel Fields

Is there a way to group Channel fields when displaying it in the Content section in EE's CP? A way to visually group related fields might be a usability improvement when there are a lot of Channel ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

group items from channel, by 8

I want to group entries by 8. The last div demonstrates that there might be an exact amount of entries that are divisible by 8. <div class="item-container active"> item 1 item 2 item 3.. ...
Brad's user avatar
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1 answer

Call exp stash multiple times through multiple exp channel calls

Can I set the entry ids to the same stash name multiple times? ie, at one exp channel call , i will call exp:stash:set name='x'. Again I want the entry ids append to the same 'x' with another exp:...
Dhanu's user avatar
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2 answers

Struggling with Categories

I'm new to EE and trying to learn how to use Channels and Categories. I've created a Channel, then created Channel Fields, then associated the two. I am able to add entries to that channel just fine. ...
ExpressionEngineNewbie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Embed an exp:channel tag into Wygwam

Is it possible to put a exp:channel entries tag loop into a wygwam field? Simply placing something, e.g., {embed="Common/sidebar_people" show_channel="48"} ... fails. The "Allow EE Code" plugin I ...
Screenack's user avatar
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1 answer

Database errors when deleting channel fields and second site with Multisite Manager

I'm using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2. I recently added a second site using Multisite Manager on my local environment, staging environment, and production environment. The installation is complete and I ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Channel Fields Error After Updating to 2.7

I just updated to 2.7 and I was in the backend.. When I clicked on the name on one of the channel fields I got: Fatal error: Declaration of Safecracker_file_ft::display_field() must becompatible ...
Joe Bobby's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Multi Languages

I have a website I am building. The website needs to be in 7 different languages. I know that I will need to use a language switcher but I am not sure how I set up the different languages/channels ...
Robert's user avatar
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3 answers

Making a directory's A - B - C - D etc. links

I'm making a people directory with the A - B - C etc. links, where clicking a letter will take you to the people whose last names begin with that letter. I have a People channel with a last_name field ...
jphansen's user avatar
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1 answer

Solspace tag display all available tags from a channel and related tag group

I have a template which displays all products (entries) for a particular channel: Viewing all entries tagged with:<br> {exp:channel:entries channel="products" category_group="1" category="not 7|...
JackTheKnife's user avatar