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Questions tagged [config]

The process of configuring ExpressionEngine and/or third-party add-ons via the config.php file - or another configuration solution such as Focus Lab's EE Master Config.

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1 answer

Custom config files in an EE addon

I moved a custom addon out of system/third_party into a third_party folder above web root all was well until I realized that the addon didn't account for a different third_party folder location I ...
mjr's user avatar
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1 answer

Default .htaccess rewrite block for EE in a subfolder?

Is there a default .htaccess rewrite block for EE while running it in a subfolder? I have EE in /eefolder/ i.e., with simply RewriteEngine on in the .htaccess file in that ...
markratledge's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Control Panel locking me out after uploads and template changes - says no data

Prolem: I am using ExpressionEngine Core 2.6.1. After I click around the control panel for a bit, sometimes updating templates and sometimes uploading images, I get kicked out. When I get kicked out, ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Manipulating the Style menu in WYGWAM?

This thing drives me nuts. There is no reason this thing should be so small. I'd love to: Make it larger, both vertically and horizontally; and Style the text inside. I don't necessarily want it to ...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

overrides in config.php site_url and templatefiles

I have two questions for you: changing the settings for the site_url with $config['site_url'] = "http://domain/"; in config.php works as expected in some places. But the paths in the channel ...
David S's user avatar
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Does Throttling affect "good" bots negatively?

Throttling limits, "the number of page requests by a single IP address within a given time interval." In the ebook Securing ExpressionEngine 2, Mark Huot writes that, "[Throttling is] one of the first ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable Secure Forms in config.php

I can't log into my control panel and I think the issue is related to "secure forms" being enabled. How do I disable "secure forms" in the EE config file?
Anna_MediaGirl's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Master Config

I am using this Master Config, Problem is my site now shows a server error. Here is a pastie of my master config file.
Nick Toye's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Set From Name to system generate emails

Is it possible to set a from name to system generated emails - at the moment the from field is just the email address. Would be nice to be able to tidy that up if at all possible. The control panel ...
Tomtids's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I getting 404 error page on subpages on my test site sitting in subfolder of my live site?

I have created a test version of my site in a subfolder of my live site. The root of my live site is in /public_html and my test site is in /public_html/ I have set up a dns ...
Martin Duys's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Managing file upload locations with http and https

I've got a file upload location that needs to serve files via http in the public part of the website, and serve files via https in the private part of the website and in the control panel (to avoid ...
Stephen's user avatar
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When I am logged in to expression engine, load times are much slower

I have a scrolling ajax section on the home page that takes ~40 msec to load when I am not logged in, and 110-130msec when I am logged in. I have disabled all user tracking, and played with cookies vs ...
Jared Chmielecki's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to create a global variable inside config.php

I'm trying to build a simple config bootstrap for use in multi-server environments. I realise there are lots of config bootstraps around, but a lot of the popular ones seem a bit complicated for what ...
Stephen's user avatar
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2 votes
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Dynamic path for cachedir when placing system folder above web root

I've got a query about setting the cachedir path in system/config/database.php when placing the system folder above web root. When the system folder isn't above web root, I'd normally set the path ...
Stephen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Unable to Load Site Preferences

I'm trying to duplicate a site onto a different server and am running into the old "Site Error: Unable to Load Site Preferences; No Preferences Found" error. Through searchign the forums some fixes I'...
Mason Kessinger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is EE not autosaving?

I have got editors who often have an entry open around 30minutes before saving. I have turned on autosaving in the config.php file and this is also reflected in the config edotr in the control panel: ...
Abs's user avatar
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2 answers

Config setting for disabling page cache

Is there a config setting for disabling page cache in EE? I've found a setting for disabling tag caching $config['disable_tag_caching'] but not one for pages. I'm using the Focus Lab master config ...
Dylan's user avatar
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1 answer

MasterConfig seems to retain reference to Republic Variables somewhere

I just performed a clean install of EE onto a local virtual host, and having checked the installation by successfully logging into the CP, followed that up by bringing into play the MasterConfig files....
RickL's user avatar
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2 answers

Config setting clarification

Is there a difference between the config variables $config['compress_output'] and $config['gzip_output']? I was getting some errors with a particular add-on while having $config['compress_output']= ...
Chris Boerger's user avatar
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MySQL connection on a non-standard port

We were experimenting with running an EE database stored on AWS and we found that MySQL was running on a non-standard port.
Steven Grant's user avatar
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EE 1, adding another server

So I have searched but I seem to only find information on setting up EE in the config.php for multiple server environments - local, staging, production. What Im looking to get some information on is ...
JMP's user avatar
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Seeking three specific config variables

I've been trying to figure out how to set three specific CP settings via my config file and can't find a reference for the necessary variables. Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction. I'm ...
RickL's user avatar
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6 answers

CP access: admin.php or system/index.php

A site that I built last autumn had the CP url set as system/index.php (I think I was following Ryan Irelan’s advice in that regard). It works fine. However, last night I did a quick install of EE ...
RickL's user avatar
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1 answer

NSM Config Bootstrap is not overwriting the settings in database.php

This is starting to make me tear my hair out. I've worked with NSM config bootstrap ( on several sites now. It enables you to set your database connection ...
darylknight's user avatar
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1 answer

Why settings in my config.php aren't overriding settings in the CP

It's my understanding that settings in the config.php override any settings in the control panel. Background: I have copied a site over so it runs from another domain (with the view of closing down ...
Abs's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What's the configuration for multiple subsites the legacy way in ExpressionEngine?

Let me lead with a quote from the present EE license. "An ExpressionEngine license purchase allows a single “live” installation in a production environment and ancillary “development use only” ...
narration_sd's user avatar
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1 answer

Deny Multiple Login Override in config

Is there a way to disable Deny Multiple Logins via a $config override? Thank you.
dikaio's user avatar
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2 answers

Upgrading EE1 to EE2 database name problem in update script

I'm trying to get an EE1 site up to EE2.5.5 To do this I created a clone of the live site's files. Exported the SQL from the live database and populated a "dev" database with the data then updated ...
foamcow's user avatar
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Focus Lab Config (bootstrap) working with MSM - still problems

OK, first question on SE so bear with me. I'm trying to setup an older site (after going through the EE2 upgrade process) on a virtual private server the client has running WHM and cPanel. The sites ...
Brendan Underwood's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

ed_imageresizer not working with second site in Multisite Manager

I am using ExpressionEngine 2.5.2 and I'm having trouble getting my ed_imageresizer to work on my second site, setup through Multisite Manager. ed_imageresizer is installed and working on my primary ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What does $config['disable_all_tracking'] do?

Not sure how to choose to set $env_config['disable_all_tracking'] = 'y' or 'no'; When documentation says if set to 'y' some of the below settings are disregarded /* Tracking --------------------------...
C Calabrese's user avatar
2 votes
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"is_system_on" problem

I am having a tough time getting "is_system_on" to work right in production. In the "General Config" page in the CP, neither the "yes" or "no" radio buttons are set. When I select one and click submit,...
Matt Fordham's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Disable database-templates within ExpressionEngine 2

I'm working on EE2 theme and I can't find solution how to force EE use templates directly from the file system. Generally I want to disable database templates while I'm working on theme, to get ...
Artem O.'s user avatar
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3 answers

theme_folder_url issue

Should be a quick one for the EE add-on devs out there. Most add-ons do support having: $config['path_third_themes'] = $base_path . "/assets/third_themes/"; $config['url_third_themes'] = $...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Difference between assign_to_config and config (and or env_config)

I'm using EE Master Config along with Stash. I know in Master Config that all the configs have been changed from $config[''] to $env_config[''] I noticed with Stash that Mark is using this format: $...
Natetronn's user avatar
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Control Panel (CP) Link Button is not working

There's a button in the top right corner of every EE install that links to the front-end of the site. On one of my installs it's returning: http:/// instead of the site's address. Where can I ...
Jeremy Latham's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I assign custom global variables from my config file?

I'm currently developing custom config files. Some of my files are deeply located in my architecture and I want to use some of my variables in the config as specific tag. Example : {site_url}assets/...
Simon's user avatar
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2 answers

Site and theme URLs not correct in control panel settings

When I load Site > CP Home > General Configuration I see the right values in the field: for an instant. When the page fully loads it will change to The ...
Doug's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

setting 'site_name' in config doesn't seem to work

Having read through this discussion Config Bootstrap Options, and settled on using the method described on nettuts here, I've got myself a base build for EE with all my usual addons etc. That's all ...
Steve Holland's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to define snippets in the index.php or config.php file?

I'd like to define snippets dynamically in the index.php file. Is there a way to do this?
Travis Smith's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Disabling Postmaster from sending emails using a config.php override

Is it possible to disable Postmaster from sending emails using a config.php override? I've got a development version of a site and it'd be good if I could disable the emails from sending when I'm ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Deny Multiple Logins

Is there any way to deny multiple user logins when using the same username & password? So if a user is logged in, they can't login from another machine using the same login credentials. Thanks ...
mediapimp's user avatar
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Why wouldn't global variable parse correctly with Master Config?

Using Focus Lab's Master Config, I've set a test global variable for production, like so: $env_global['global_test'] = 'test'; Then in an embedded template I've dropped in {global_test}. Also tried ...
A Herrera's user avatar
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2 answers

500 internal server error using Master Config

I've been using Focus Lab's Master Config for most of this year and have never run into this issue before. So here's what's happening, going to the domain (example: or mysite....
A Herrera's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

How best to get a new EE install (including channels/fields) up and running quickly?

I don't use GIT or anything (yet) but am trying to speed up the time it takes to set up a new EE site. I'm finding that I'm setting up a lot of the same channels, custom fields, low variable, etc. ...
Todd's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

"Word Separator for URL Titles" hidden config variable

Is there a hidden config variable for the "Word Separator for URL Titles" setting? What other hidden config variables remain undocumented in the ExpressionEngine User Guide?
Stuart McCoy's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Renaming system directory if directory is outside root?

What's the general consensus regarding the renaming of the system directory if it resides above root? I was recently updating my default EE install to initially start with the directory above root and ...
Stuart McCoy's user avatar
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20 votes
8 answers

Config Bootstrap Options

Which config bootstrap options are available for ExpressionEngine? Which one works best in a multi server environment?
Anna_MediaGirl's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How do I access custom config.php variables in a plugin?

I'm writing a plugin for which I'd like to be able to set site-wide preferences via custom variables in config.php (eg $['myplugin_config_item']), and have those variables available in all my plugins ...
Tom Davies's user avatar
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2 answers

CE Image configuration for MSM

have an MSM site that I’ve just moved from test to production and we’re white screening on the front-end. I suspected CE Image straight off - commented out my tags and sure enough, the site loaded ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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