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2 answers

How to get article count with a single entry view

I want to get the current article count with a single article view. So I've I'm currently viewing the fifth of ten articles, it will output '5'. If I do this: {exp:channel:entries channel="articles" ...
tigercore's user avatar
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total_results of plugin nested within exp:query

I'm using the exp:query module along with a nested custom plugin that I've created. I need to get the count and total_results of the nested plugin but it's returning the count and total_results of the ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Start channel entries after a specified count

I need to display entries starting after the third item (where the count is more than three). This must be easy to do, but I haven't found a parameter for this. I know about the {count} variable, but {...
Geoff's user avatar
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How to edit channel entries in expression engine depending on the order they are displayed

I am exporting news articles into a page using channel entries in expression engine. I want the first article that appears to be 'col-md-4' the next 2 articles to be within 'col-md-3' the next 2 to be ...
Sara's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL Query to Get count of entries of a certain status inside channel

Right now I have this inside of a channel entries tag. {exp:query sql="SELECT total_entries FROM exp_channels WHERE channel_name = '{url_title}'"} {total_entries} {/exp:query} Which provides me ...
Chris O'Connor's user avatar
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2 answers

show the {absolute_results} only once

If have a channel called 'scripts' and i want to display how many entries are in the channel filtered by the categorie they are in. For the category id 5 it should returns 4 entries. But it is ...
Dave_Daliz's user avatar
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Count of Favorited entries in Solspace Favorites in a specific channel tag with a specific user

I need to show the number of times a user has favorited a specified set of entries. I've tried many ways, including different combinations of using Stash and Mx_calc, but have been unsuccessful. The ...
Geoff's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get max count for a loop in channel entries tag

I am trying to get the max results for the categories inside this channel entry. If the current category is the last one in the loop I don't want to add a , after the output. {exp:channel:entries ...
MrTouch's user avatar
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Category count conditional in EE3

I moved from EE2 to EE3. I used to use BW Category Count by Wouter Vervloet to make several conditionals over content, verifying if a category group has zero, one, x, or more presences in a entry. ...
Martin Pede's user avatar
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Count the number of entries with a field value?

I'm wondering if it is possible to show a count of entries with a custom field value. For example if I have a channel with a custom field that can have a value of either "Y" or "N". When I show a ...
Bryan's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying total results of channel entries

I'm trying to get this to display a the total results of a count just once. So if there are 120 results, have it output "120". Instead it shows each line 1,2,3,etc. and count == "1" displays nothing. ...
jsuissa's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I get the Channel Entries count within a Channel Categories loop?

I have a exp:channel:categories loop that is filtered by category group, and within that I have an exp:channel:entries loop that is filtered by category_id. This outputting the data that I expecting. ...
Peter Conklin's user avatar
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2 answers

Playa related entries count

We are running reports and need a query - we're using playa and I want to get the total number of child_entries where channel_id = 16 and where the 'parent_field_id' = 68. My current query is: ...
paulcripps's user avatar
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Show Entries per author and per month

Is it possible to create a table that shows a count of the entries made per author and per month. Example would be: Author | Jan | Feb | Mar John Doe | 5 | 8 | 4 Mad Man | 6 | 3 | 8 Would be ...
gabriel_b's user avatar
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Total entry views for all entries in a given category

We have a basic query, which get us; cat_id, parent_id, cat_name and the total entry_count which is then displayed in the form of a report... the current query is: SELECT c.cat_id, c.parent_id, c....
paulcripps's user avatar
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Content Elements doesn't have a {count} variable

I wanted to insert a related-articles block after the n-th content element using stash. But it seems Content Elements doesn't provide a {count} variable in the elements loop.
Diederik's user avatar
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Low Variable and Matrix count not showing

I have a matrix field in a low variable and I would like to access the loop value (count) of the row. The loop runs throug without any problem and the values are shown on only the count isn't working ...
claudio_101's user avatar
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Possible to use count conditional to change channel entry display?

Is it possible to use a count conditional (or equivalent conditional) to change the display of an entry tag depending on how many entries there are? For example, I have a grid field which I am using ...
JRW's user avatar
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"Invalid Conditional" error if relationship :count is 0 in conditional?

I'm getting an error if my relationship field does not have any related entries selected: You have an invalid conditional in your template. Please review your conditionals for an unclosed string, ...
ByteMyPixel's user avatar
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How many articles are present in my site?

I'm using EE 1.7.3, and I'd like to know how many articles are present in my site (there are thousands, want an exact number). Where can I find this?
Allison S's user avatar
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How can I count the number of channel entries that have parents?

We are a non-profit organization with many volunteers that we assign to various volunteer roles. I created a Volunteers channel and a Roles channel, and in the Roles channel I set up a relationship ...
ChristinaB's user avatar
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Displaying Count of Large Amount of Entries - Best Practice?

we need a 'counter' which displays the total number of entries for a given channel limited by category and status. Were originally doing this via the EE Stats module before the Status/Cats ...
segovius's user avatar
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Splitting search results into tabs with no results messages

We're building a search that has a tabbed results page, we have a tab for each channel, works great apart from when there's no results for a particular channel and we're struggling to find the correct ...
Nick's user avatar
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Where are view_counts stored?

I have one entry that has way more views than any other. I cant find it set as a deafult entry anywhere so I dont know how it got so high. I want to manually set it back to a lower number, then see ...
CJbrian's user avatar
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Relationships with Channel Videos

I am needing to obtain a count for every video being parsed through Channel Videos via relationship entries. I want to continue using a grid with my layout so the content can scale like the rest of ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine + Slider, how do I get it to display correctly?

I suppose I could consider my very experienced with ExpressionEngine.. But I've come across a stumper here and I know the answer is probably obvious. Client has handed me a design to port over to ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

{absolute_count} not working with Google Maps onclick

I have a google map with markers and when you click on an external link, it takes you to a marker on a map. See js fiddle to see the map in action. The code on the external link looks like this: <p&...
ObiWanKobi's user avatar
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How to count member's entries, limited by channel?

I'm trying to find a way to show a simple entry count for the logged in member, which is limited by channel. I would be using this in a conditional to change the action of a link depending on how many ...
Benek Lisefski's user avatar
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Total no of row returned for exp:channel:entries?

{exp:channel:entries channel="channel_1"} //how do i find the total no of entries retuned without exp:query? {/exp/channel:entries} I want to find the count first and then loop?Any idea
user avatar
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Condition if entries exist?

My markup: <section id="box"> <ul id="slide"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </section> I want to show the section box only if date ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Anyone know of a plugin to show Category count?

Basically want to find the number of entries per category in order to perform a conditional to show different content based on the entry count. Essentially: if count = 2 then this if count is less ...
segovius's user avatar
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1 answer

Count number of words in article

A similar question has been asked here which ended in the recommendation to create a custom plugin. That's not possible for me. I want to know how many words my entries actually have; in the frontend ...
BNetz's user avatar
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2 answers

Count entries with grid

is it possible to total count grid from many entries? Lets say, i have 3 channel entries. Channel 1 entry 1 has 3 grid entries, channel 1 entry 2 has 5 grid entries, channel 1 entry 3 has 7 grid ...
user2517's user avatar
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Getting count to work for playa field within Matrix

I've got a page which is displaying information based on a playa entry within a matrix field, when using the matrix :search parameter, this works as intended. But I need to be able to use the {count} ...
Erbert's user avatar
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Relationship field - {count} of type, and {total_results} of type

I have a relationship field which contains a number of different pieces of content. Each piece of content has a type property. Is there anyway I can count the number of each of the types that is ...
magicspon's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't achieve conditional within Playa using {count}

I'm trying to apply a class of odd or even based on the count within a playa field. My website is for a company with 13 branches & 15 products. Not all branches sell all products so I have created ...
StvCummins's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Display the number of entries in a channel

I would like to display the total number of entries for a channel and nothing else is required to be displayed. Is there a more efficient way to do this than the following? {exp:channel:entries ...
mkuk's user avatar
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2 entries in one channel

I am pretty new to exsprexxion engine and want to ask a quistion i want to do this: <ul class="touchcarousel-container"> <li class="touchcarousel-item"> <div class="rblock"> ...
Edgar's Hair's user avatar
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Custom Count Loop / Counter

I'm trying to get a count inside a loop of a Matrix field. Normally I could just do: {field} {row_count} {/field} And BAM, that would work perfectly. But not in this case. Because I need to do ...
Jason Mayo's user avatar
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Show currently displayed results and total results in pagination

I have the following channel entry tag: {exp:channel:entries channel="designs" orderby="title" sort="asc" limit="8" paginate="bottom" dynamic="no"} {!--output--} {paginate} <div class="...
Robert Gillman's user avatar
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Help with Stash Conditionals

Hoping someone can help me with this problem. I have a list of channel entries that I am storing in a stash tag then outputting the complete list, but if there are no entries then it displays ...
user1407's user avatar
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Matrix Playa Count Conditionals issues

Sorry, I'm having a little brain freeze here and am hoping for some help. I currently have the following code: <div class="my-div"> {exp:playa:children channel="somechannel"} {...
Natetronn's user avatar
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