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Questions tagged [custom-fields]

Custom-fields is what make EE tick. In a blog or news website analogy, besides an excerpt or body field, entries can have all kinds of custom-fields, from date type fields to google-maps.

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2 answers

How to get an entry by a specific field value

I have some entries that have a field group containing two fields, ID and description. I want to know how I can retrieve the description based on the ID. The IDs are unique.
Joseph Klovance's user avatar
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1 answer

Update Grid Fields data Programmatically

I have a channel entry with the "images" field. The field type is Grid. What I'm trying to do is add a few pictures in the field through PHP. I'm using this query to fetch the entry: $entry =...
Afifa's user avatar
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2 answers

Possible to 'build' a field tag with a var?

is there a way - possibly with php - to 'build' a field tag from a 'variable'? i currently have this: {exp:stash:get_list name="rf_columns" prefix="rf"}{!-- --}{if rf:col_value ...
Keith's user avatar
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1 answer

Channel entries search by custom field

Is its possible to get entries in view page related to current entry: {exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" search:custom field="{exp:channel:entries}{custom field}{/exp:channel:entries}&...
Zakir Hossain's user avatar
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Help with ChannelEntry Model Service to get/set data directly in the database

To retrieve data from a specific custom_field in a channel entry I used to do the following: $data = ee()->db->select('field_id_2') ->from('exp_channel_data') ->where(array( ...
laurent's user avatar
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Low Title: unable to get custom field to output

I'm trying to get a custom field to output using Low Title on an EE5 site and I'm not able to get it working. I'm trying this: {exp:low_title:entry entry_id="122" custom_field="{field_short_name}"} ...
edward's user avatar
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Low search and custome group templates variable

I have a multilingual site, with one channel and multiple fields for different languages. The site has 20+ different channels. Everything works ok, except the search results page for low_search in 2. ...
n0p's user avatar
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1 answer

Channel Entry Model Not Saving Custom Fields

EE 5.2.4 I am using the ee model class to save channel entries via AJAX. Everything is working well except for custom fields, which don't save. Here is the code: $entry = ee('Model')->...
Shayne's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I make a multi-select custom member field?

It looks like you can only make a few custom member field types: Date, Text Input, Textarea, Select Dropdown, URL. I need to have a multi-select field, such as checkboxes. What's the best solution ...
jphansen's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting up Fields and Logic

I’ve got a filtered portfolio project where the user will be able to add images or videos which pop up (like an overlay) without directing to another page. The user can also opt to add text content ...
Christian's user avatar
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1 answer

Api_channel_fields - cannot add group id

I'm trying to add a new field to a group using the API but it doesn't work (according to the docs it is supposed to be a key). I have tried running the example code but the 'group_id' field is ...
wot's user avatar
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How to change other entries values when an entry is saved/updated

I have a channel with some fields. One of them is an on/off value (let's say toggle field type). I want to be sure that I have no more than one entry with on (or true) value for that specific field. ...
Mahdi Y's user avatar
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1 answer

Select with Field

I have a Select Dropdown field named Type belonging to a Channel. Inside I created a Value / Label menu. I would like to print the values ​​in a Select in front-end. Below I put my code that does ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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update custom member field value

I have what I think is a simple and straight forward goal. I want to update a custom member field. Here is the scenario. Users will be offered to browse our web site for free for 15 days. When ...
Anthony Jaxon's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I sort entries by ascending integers?

I am trying to use a custom field sort_order to order entries by setting the Field Content type of a Text Input to Integer. I'm using EE2. Expected behavior: Entry 1 with a sort_order of 10 Entry 2 ...
bantuist's user avatar
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Custom Fieldtype: How to check save($data)

Developing a custom fieldtype and having trouble getting the entry data to save to the exp_channel_data table. I know that the data passed must be a string and I am trying to catch the data at the ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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before_channel_entry_save hook

I am writing an extension on EE 3.5.11 and I am using the before_channel_entry_save hook. In the EE documentation it says and modifications to the object will be saved. I am doing something like this ...
Trevor Orr's user avatar
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1 answer

Find sperator in field

Is there anyway to output entry data from a particular field, find the separator and output HTML based on that separator? Example: Postcode Field for Entry Outputs: LL21, LL22, LL33, LL44, LL46 ...
Third_Hyperion's user avatar
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EE cuts the content of a big field

We have a text field were we want to put quite big HTML content (955 lines). We were able to do it without problem a few weeks ago, but now it's cutting the content, apparently always at the same ...
mgs's user avatar
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Method to add multiple fields to a channel entry

I'm building a website on ExpressionEngine 3.5.10. One of the channels, training, is for Training courses. It's possible that each training course has multiple: date, time, location, price. In other ...
Andy's user avatar
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Undefined index in custom field?

I'm getting the following error when I turn on debugging. Notice Undefined index: m_field_ft_3 ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Custom_member_field.php, line 120 I don't get ...
Barry Parr's user avatar
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4 answers

How to list all members and their custom member fields?

I'm trying to figure out how to have a page that lists all members with basic fields like email, screen_name and then all the other custom member fields I created.
Chief's user avatar
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EE3 category select custom field

Is there an EE3 custom field out there somewhere that allows selecting one or more categories, like this EE2 addon by Wes Baker:
Bob H's user avatar
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Creating a featured channel entry

I would like to add channel field checkbox called featured and filter out the entries if it is checked. Can this be done using the channel entries tag?
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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1 answer

When viewing entries in CP, can I view custom fields?

I'd like to show custom fields--more than just defaults (ID/Title/Date/Status). Anyone know of a way to do this? Using EE 3.4.0
jphansen's user avatar
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2 answers

Freemember and custom member fields

I'm using freemember on a user registration form and custom fields are not being passed to the member profile on registration. I've tried both standard m_field_id_22 and freemember member_newsletter ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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2 answers

Comparing custom member field with current date

I have a member field [cb1_expire] that I am using to store the expiration date in the user profile. The format that will be put into the field will always be "mm/dd/yyyy". (field type is text) I ...
Anthony J's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I tell if a fieldtype is in use?

I'm trying to clean up my EE install and there are a few third-party fieldtypes that I'm reasonably sure aren't in use. But I'd like to make sure before removing them. Is there any way to tell, other ...
Matthew's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Display custom fields into tabs?

I’m new to EE and coming from a Drupal background. I’m enjoying learning EE. Question: How do I display the fields from a custom channel into tabs? A perfect example I would like to replicate is ...
RSantos's user avatar
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Expresso store - adding note after order

Is it possible to add a note to an order AFTER it is completed. I'd like the user to add a note AND add data to a hidden field that is added to an order. This really needs to be done after the order ...
paulcripps's user avatar
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Is there a simple way for the client to add to a dropdown list on a publish page?

I'm creating an "events" channel and I want to have a dropdown list on the publish page so the editor can select the country in which an event takes place. Initially, events will only happen in 2 or 3 ...
edward's user avatar
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1 answer

Can a custom field be populated by external JSON?

I'm building the marketing portion of a larger system, where a catalog of products is in a separate database. I need a custom select field that represents the products in the catalog, so I can relate ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Comma in Text Input

I have a channel field Text Input where I need to store numbers with comma as a string. I set the fields Field Content to All. Unfortunately, if I enter a comma in the field, like in 2,5, the field ...
Rias's user avatar
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1 answer

How get the particular part for a string?

How to get a particular part of a string? e.g after some special characters or some words.
bunny's user avatar
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add/publish new field data for existing channel entries

I have and existing channel with existing entries. I added a new custom field, a radio button group, with options YES/NO, with the default option being YES. The field is now available in the edit ...
JonkBok's user avatar
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Uninstalling add-ons Subscriptions causing DB error

I'm trying to uninstall two add-ons that we have no intention of using on the production version of this project (Store and Subscriptions). Unfortunately, every time I go to uninstall I get this ...
A Herrera's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get Calendar and Event data from Solspace Calendar?

I am trying to make a template that outputs JSON, listing all events within a date range. I want to be able to display my custom channel fields in the Event channel, as well as within the Calendar ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Fiedtype to allow selection of layout using thumbnail images?

I'm looking for a field type that could let my client choose a certain template for the single page of an entry. I'm thinking a radio button field type but i'd like to show the option as an image.. ...
Dave_Daliz's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Field Type - Data is not being saved

I'm creating a custom field type. But the data isn't being saved to the database. There are several values that are being combined into a string, divided by a pipe character. I've checked the save() ...
Diederik's user avatar
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How to make the Rich Text area larger?

I'm using the standard EE 'Textarea (Rich Text)' field (on EE 2.10.1), but no matter what I put in the 'Textarea Rows' field, when viewing the field in the control panel it's only around 150 pixels ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Pair variables on Custom Field Type

In the Custom Field Type, I've made separate table to store other information. So it means single field value contain many values in array. I want to use this array as pair tags on expressionengine. ...
Sumit Sehgal's user avatar
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Does adding Channel fields affect existing content in those channels?

I'm looking to add a couple non-required channel fields to a particular channel on my site. How will adding these channel fields affect existing content in that particular channel? What will the ...
Greg's user avatar
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2 answers

Images are gone with membergroup

If i create a new membergroup, based on the users membergroup. All the images from a custom field are not showing. If i switch the user to the default membergroup, it works again. users that are not ...
Reinos's user avatar
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How do I determine which channel field groups are not being used?

We've created a lot of channels over the years some of which have been pruned back. This potentially leaves their channel field groups as useless clutter. There doesn't seem to be a view within ...
AllInOne's user avatar
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Is there any plugin for US map functionality means on clicking the particular area we get the updates about that? [closed]

Map for showing the data on clicking a particular area.
bunny's user avatar
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2 answers

Channel Form - Relationship Field - Custom Field

I have a channel form with a relationship field options: loop. I'm trying to also get a custom field from this relationship. Is that possible? If yes, how? {exp:channel:form channel="message_on_hold"}...
Franz's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP Error with Channel Field Group

I am getting a PHP Error, when I go to publish > Channel(name). I have this assigned to what I call the 'master' field group (master) it has 15 fields. I set up a test field group and assigned it to ...
seeingis's user avatar
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Automatically delete certain channel entries

My website has two channels: pet_owners and pets. pets channel also has custom field named owner_id. My problem is: whenever an entry from pet_owners is deleted, would it be possible to force certain ...
user2266705's user avatar
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2 answers

Use Custom Field as Timezone Parameter in Date Field

I have a custom field where the publisher can choose what time zone they want the entry date to display as, but I'm having trouble when trying to use it in the template: {exp:channel:entries ...
kmgdev's user avatar
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Do unused custom fields affect performance?

If there are custom fields that are not used e.g., optional, in all entries, does this in any way affect performance? I am considering implementing a somewhat monolithic custom fieldset to be ...
Jack Frost's user avatar

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