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2 answers

How to upload photo, edit it with Aviary and then submit through a front-end form?

I'm not an experienced user and would like to make something complicated: I'd like to use aviary editor to edit photo's on form submit. I need a form where user's can upload their image, edit it with ...
Valerio's user avatar
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Expresso Store and Drag and drop upload form during checkout

I need to allow users to upload their own files during a checkout process. I think Freform Pro should be fine but I don't know how to integrate it inside the checkout page. Should be nice to ...
Valerio's user avatar
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Assign different and specific subfolder to each Member with Assets

i've to assign a subfolder to each member so when "User1" uses the Assets field to upload his photo, this is stored in a subfolder "main_upload_folder/user1_subfolder/". When "User2" uses the Assets ...
Alessio Terry Masucci's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Upload a File using a URL instead of direct upload

Is there a way to upload a file to a "File" field using either a direct upload ("Browse" button) or a URL input? I noticed that the built-in file field only support direct upload. Thanks!
David Barratt's user avatar
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How do I get the resized version of an image in a fieldtype plugin?

I have a custom fieldtype on my site which allows you to upload an image and draw on it. However, while the site uses a resized version of the image, the fieldtype displays the full-sized version when ...
ninjachicken1's user avatar