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2 answers

Channel Form - Relationship Field - Custom Field

I have a channel form with a relationship field options: loop. I'm trying to also get a custom field from this relationship. Is that possible? If yes, how? {exp:channel:form channel="message_on_hold"}...
Franz's user avatar
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P&T Checkboxes and Channel Form

I am having trouble displaying checkboxes for a P&T Field Pack Checkboxes custom field in a Channel Form (ExpressionEngine 2.7.1, Field Pack 2.1.1) using the {custom_fields} and {options} loop. I'...
Matt B's user avatar
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Automatically generate a form based on a channel field set?

I have a field set that's going to be growing over time. Users will be filling out forms on signup that represent this field set. Is there a way to automatically generate this sign up form based on ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to paginate or organize Expression Engine by custom field data input

I have an ExpressionEngine site that takes information entered from an admin, and information entered from users through SafeCracker, and displays that information in a timeline format. The ...
thatgibbyguy's user avatar
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Changed a textarea to a RTE textarea, now not working in safecracker

I had a custom field in a channel that was a standard text area. This was also included within a safecracker form. I recently changed the field to a RTE text area field, and all my existing entries ...
shorn's user avatar
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Safecracker Matrix only publishing one row, even if more are added

I am trying to use Matrix within a Safecracker field. I am able to submit entries successfully. However I can only submit one row to the custom matrix field. Even if I have added more than one row in ...
Lucas JD's user avatar