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Questions tagged [custom-system-messages]

Custom System Messages provides an alternative to the the Specialty Templates for ExpressionEngine

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1 answer

Is it possible to use $lang variable in fatal_error output on front end?

In my custom module I want to display a series of error messages for X, Y & Z. I have a single tag in the mod.[module_name].php file and I want to throw out an error if no id has been provided. ...
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1 answer

Custom Module: Alternative to Using $this->EE->output->show_message($data) on a Form Submission

I've successfully created a custom module that takes customer information, submits it to Elavon (a payment gateway) and saves the data to a table in the Expression Engine database. Currently, when a ...
1 vote
1 answer

System Messages ext issue

I am using new relic to watch my EE install and am seeing a ton of slowness around this call. I am also using - and am not sure if the issue is ...
1 vote
0 answers

CSM, Solspace User & Register Form

I can't seem to get the User register form to honor settings in Custom System Messages. I had this issue before (see: CSM & Solspace User) and was supposed to be fixed in the recent new release ...
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0 answers

CE Cache :escape Parsing on Custom System Messages Securit:ee Error

I've got one clusterf*** of a problem here: I have 2 sets of CE Cache :escape tags in my site's global header snippet: {exp:ce_cache:escape} {if '{exp:cartthrob:unique_items_count}' > '0'} &...
1 vote
1 answer

CSM & Solspace User

Does anyone know if the Custom System Messages add-on is compatible with Solspace User? When I try to set an error template in the CSM interface (Register Member (On Error) for example) it does not ...