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Questions tagged [google-maps]

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Google Maps for ExpressionEngine: Marker/Infobox click area

I have a map that shows around 70 markers using the Google Maps for ExpressionEngine add-on. I originally set it up using clustering but this stopped working at some point so I reverted back to ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Google Maps import

I've been trying to port some 5000 entries of a CSV into ExpressionEngine using the Google Map Import utility. However, I only seem to be able to import if I segment my CSV into multiple parts. The ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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need some kind of {count} within category archive tags that doesn't reset or each category

I'm displaying a list of facilities by state in a sidebar using the category_archive tags(template code below)... Iowa facility facility facility Missouri facility facility facility if I add a {...
Mike Lohrman's user avatar
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Google Maps for EE - Click to activate

I've updated to Google Maps for EE version 3.3.1 and now I'm just getting a "Click to Activate" message in the channel entry. I seem to remember having this problem before and it was due to a ...
Mark's user avatar
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Cant get the map shown from channel entry

I am trying to get one map to be shown that is actually a channel field, using Google Maps For ExpressionEngine. What i have done: 1- created a channel called "retkeilykohteet" 2- set own statusgroup ...
Finpete's user avatar
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Low cost options for displaying location maps

EE2.8.1 We have a charity run website that currently uses the 'Google Maps for ExpressionEngine' module on some pages and the Javascript gmaps API on some other pages for displaying location maps. ...
greebstreebling's user avatar
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Update EE Maps by Reinos height & redraw on button click

I'm in the process of transitioning a site from an older version of Objective HTML Gmaps to EE Maps by Reinos and I'm having trouble with one feature that the older Gmaps (or perhaps the Google Maps ...
Tim Willis's user avatar
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Google Maps plugin: API error

I've got a long running EE install that uses the old Google Map plugin. Lately though, we've been seeing this error in the CP you have exceeded your daily request quota for this API I've seen one ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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gMaps installation on ExpressionEngine3

At the start I just want to say hi to everyone as I am new to this message board. I got a problem with gmaps plugin bought from devot-ee, after installing gmaps plugin and gmaps field type this ...
Remi's user avatar
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How to get the import working?

I'm sure this addon was supposed to be making my life easier... Trying to get the import utility of Google Maps for EE working. I'm only have 9 entries I'm trying to upload at first until I know ...
Clive Portman's user avatar