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List entries which have no category assigned

Anyone know how to do this? Obviously I can pass in a category ID into the channel loop to get entries within that specific category. But I'd like to get a list of all entries that don't currently ...
tigercore's user avatar
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How can I add an ampersand (or similar) following all but the final entry in a Matrix loop?

I have a series of entries coming from a Matrix field on a page. If there is more than one entry I would like a "+" to follow each entry, except for the final entry. I've tried using backspace, but ...
Matt's user avatar
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How To Create Headers For A List

I have a list of items. Each item has a season. I am trying to organize the items by season. I believe the list is pre sorted and I need to create a header everytime there item has a new season In ...
Shawn Northrop's user avatar
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EE3 Is there any simple way to implement infinite loop scrolling

Tried this tutorial not working when I click to next it goes to url instead of appending entries, no ...
simpleton's user avatar
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Loop a new section (outside loop) after every 2 entries

This is a strange one I've never come across over 5 years developing with EE. There may be a simple solution but I'm not seeing it! Essentially, I need to create a dynamic loop that outputs a ...
kala233's user avatar
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conditional if statements for channel fields

Im running into a bit of a problem, i have two channels which are called on a single page, displaying the latest entries from each. these two channels have different fields setup for descriptions ...
Lloyd_07's user avatar
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How to get max count for a loop in channel entries tag

I am trying to get the max results for the categories inside this channel entry. If the current category is the last one in the loop I don't want to add a , after the output. {exp:channel:entries ...
MrTouch's user avatar
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Trouble getting related entries with grid fields in stash list

I have a channel entry for houses in which the user can enter all the details for a house (I simplified the fields for this). For the home page, I am pulling a list of "model homes" that are a ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Matrix Playa MSM limit playa children to once per loop

I am running EE 2.5.2 Playa 4.3.3 Matrix 2.4.3 I have a matrix field inside channel entries pair tag. The first column in that matrix is a playa field type. That playa field relates to a ...
visyoual's user avatar
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Looking for a more 'elegant' way to use/output large conditional data list

So I have a system that needs to display some data depending on whether the date of an event falls within a number of preset dates. It's working great right now but there is this one part that is ...
Keith's user avatar
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Would like to have a divider between category names where there are more than 1 to show. (and no divider when there is only 1 category name)

This is the site with 2 category names in the blog: News Picture Lights. I would like it to show this when there are 2 or ...
user6821's user avatar
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Is this loop possible (EE2) ? I have attached an image what i need exactly. Any help is going to be appreciated. :)

{exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" limit="1" category="2" sort="asc" entry_id="16"} <li>Show Category title of category2 {exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" limit="1" category="2" sort="...
Praveen Kalarikkal's user avatar
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Low Variable and Matrix count not showing

I have a matrix field in a low variable and I would like to access the loop value (count) of the row. The loop runs throug without any problem and the values are shown on only the count isn't working ...
claudio_101's user avatar
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The options loop in channel entries form does not accept an offset

I'm trying to add an offset parameter to the options loop within a Channel Entries form. While it accepts a limit, it simply ignores the offset. Here's an example: {exp:channel:form channel="channel1"...
Franz's user avatar
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Login Loop when trying to make Hello World Example

Just downloaded the free version of EE and I already hate using it. I can log into EE successfully but every time I hit "view rendered template" it sends me to another login screen and if I go back in ...
user6076's user avatar
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Using conditional for displaying special content to specific entry

Trying to display different link for one entry (thing1) inside channel entries loop. {exp:channel:entries channel=“things”} <h2>{title}</h2> <p>{description}</p> ...
user3058's user avatar
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Where does {exp:calendar:events...} know where to get data from?

I am very new to EE so please be gentle. I have 3 template files, all with some static content and then this code: {exp:calendar:events calendar_id="52" sort="asc" dynamic="off" status="current"} // ...
andrewb's user avatar
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expressionengine stopped parsing some tags after adding some content

asked this on stackoverflow before realizing there was a stackexchange site for expression engine, hope nobody minds i'm copying my question to here. i am modifying an expression engine channel entry,...
jay's user avatar
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Group by within a Channel Entries loop

I have banner ads stored in a channel and these are associated using a single entry Playa field with clients stored in another. I need to display random banners on a page but without ever showing more ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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Sorting pictures with matching dates into galleries

I am attempting to build galleries of photos based on {photo_date}, a custom field containing the date on which each photo was taken. My list of photos looks something like this: Photo# {photo_date}...
Victor Paredes's user avatar
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Use unique id for each entry

I'm looping matrix entries and I'm trying to give each image a unique id. I've tried using {count}, but it's just outputting same number for each entry? What's the best way to do this with either EE ...
frshjb373's user avatar
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Channel entries Swith (looping) different DOM div blocks order?

I need display entries of a channel, is easy when you have the same structure of your DOM elements like: {exp:channel:entries channel="{channel}" limit="6" } <div class="{switch='row1|...
user779848's user avatar
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Output same entry multiple times in a channel loop

i was wondering if it was possible to output the same entry multiple times using the entry_id parameters on the channel:entries loop. Example: {exp:channel:entries entry_id="14|14|14"} I need this ...
Dibeja's user avatar
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EE relationship field inside tagger entries loop

Try as I might (and it might not be possible I guess) I have a relationship field in EE of author against an article channel. I want to show the author of an article while showing the article for a ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Understanding nested Loopee tag output

I decided to undertake cleaning up some crazy repetitive code using the plugin Loopee, which we are already using. I briefly looked at Loop Plus, but that seems to only handle numbers, so I didn’t try ...
Charlie Gorichanaz's user avatar
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Loop month and year in select options

I have found a couple of loop plugins but I cant quite figure out how to get what I'm looking for. I would like to have a select dropdown in my template that looks like this: October 2014 November ...
JonkBok's user avatar
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tabs not working

I am using Zurb Foundation mark up tabs. When the tabs render it initially stacks all the tabs content instead of putting the content in their individual tabs? I've done this else where on the site ...
Eric's user avatar
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Iterate child categories inside parent category loop

I have a simple two-level category structure like this: Fresh Fresh Pre PackedFresh Bulk Frozen Frozen Pre Packed Ready To Go MealsCondiments I'm simply trying to iterate though the parent ...
Bobe's user avatar
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Show playa parents of child items listed via {exp:low_alphabet:entries} (not a single entry page)

Each discography entry has a playa field for each disc that contains all the songs that appear on that record, creating a tracklisting. What I'd like to do is create a reverse navigation system, so ...
eru's user avatar
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List {field2} of entries under a single {field1} when entries have the same {field1}, then move on

I'm using Low Alphabet to list songs - so there's a page for A, B, etc. Each page has on average dozens of songs. The channel type has them broken down into separate fields, so for "Foo (Studio ...
eru's user avatar
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Loop_plus dynamic variable not parsing

So I am using the loop_plus plug-in to generate dynamic variable names with each iteration of a section of the page. My code is as follows: <div id="portfolio_items"> {exp:channel:entries ...
royalenfield's user avatar
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counting channel field rows

I want to check if there are any channel field entries so something like {exp:channel:entries channel="vacancies" author_id="{logged_in_member_id}"} {if count==0} there are no entries in this ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Using Playa to display fixed and then random entries

I'm using Playa to display entries in a "Featured Stories" list. Let's say I have ten stories selected in the Playa. I'd like to be able to control the first three featured stories in the order they ...
Erik's user avatar
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Pinterest link in modal not referencing correct photo

I have a photo gallery that when you click on a photo, opens a modal of a larger view of the image, which works fine. I also have a Pinterest button in the modal, with the intention of "pinning" said ...
Patrick's user avatar
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One most recent entry from multiple channels

I'd like to return 5 entries from 5 channels in a list, the list being comprised of: the one most recent entry from each channel in order of date A simple exp:channel:entries loop with a limit of 5 ...
Travis Smith's user avatar
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How to prevent repeat entries that have multiple categories

I have a sidebar on my website that lists categories and should list the most recent entry under that category, and this is working great. My issue is that I have entries that use multiple categories, ...
Alex's user avatar
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If statement inside a loop?

I am using the store finder module, and am trying to insert a "title" for each "state". If I have 20 stores in a certain state, I would only like to display the "title" once. Is there any way this ...
Funkefied's user avatar
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Using {switch} to Repeat Divs at Intervals

I have a loop of entries using a playa field to show multiple entries. I would like certain formatting to happen every 3 intervals. I found what I believe to be the solution to my issue here: https://...
jennetcetera's user avatar
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embed within loop always getting wrong variable

When I use an embed tag within either an exp:query or exp:channel:categories loop, the outcome is the same: the embedded template erroneously receives the same variable over and over. Pretend we have ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Custom Count Loop / Counter

I'm trying to get a count inside a loop of a Matrix field. Normally I could just do: {field} {row_count} {/field} And BAM, that would work perfectly. But not in this case. Because I need to do ...
Jason Mayo's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine 1.6.8 Admin login loop

I have uploaded a site into a sub folder onto my server and when I try to login into the admin area, it allows me to login, however when I go to click on any link, it redirects/loops me, logging me ...
Tom Pickering's user avatar
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Writing markup outside of entries' loop

I was wondering how to properly call information from a channel but outside of the loop, so it doesn't repeat along with the entries. The output would look something like this: <div id="entries" ...
cballenar's user avatar
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Playa field within a matrix field - duplicate results

There is a probably a very simple fix to this issue, however, I can't wrap my head around it. So I have a playa field (embedded) within a matrix field like so: {call_out_section} {embed="...
Jon Nixon's user avatar
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Loop Break functionality?

Does ExpressionEngine support the "break" functionality in its loops? {exp:channel entries channel="foo" } {if some_arbitrary_condition} {!-- Do Break(exit the loop) --} {/if} {/exp:channel ...
developarvin's user avatar
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Adding wrapper markup at intervals within loops (entries, matrix, playa, etc)

I've seen this question get asked a few times, sometimes in different contexts or within different questions pertaining to particular add-ons, but I'm looking for a general solution that can be ...
Jean St-Amand's user avatar
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Exclude content from loop

I feel like I have seen a solution to my issue in the EE docs before, but now I can't find what I'm looking for. I would like to exclude some information from repeating inside of a channel entries ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
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Preventing a double entries loop

This is something that I'm wondering how you solve it: When building a site, the index template is served with segment 1 empty. If I start an entries loop in a embed, I'll need a conditional to show ...
noregt's user avatar
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Can I get Channel Entry Loop counts by channel?

I have a sort of odd need and I'm not exactly sure how to solve it so I'm coming here for help. I have a channel entries loop that displays all the latest posts for our site with pagination on our ...
Adam Christianson's user avatar
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conditional markup display

I've got a CSS module that I only want to display on the page if there are entries in the channel. {exp:channel:entries channel="staff" dynamic="no" limit="6" orderby="random" {...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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