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List entries which have no category assigned

Anyone know how to do this? Obviously I can pass in a category ID into the channel loop to get entries within that specific category. But I'd like to get a list of all entries that don't currently ...
tigercore's user avatar
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How can I add an ampersand (or similar) following all but the final entry in a Matrix loop?

I have a series of entries coming from a Matrix field on a page. If there is more than one entry I would like a "+" to follow each entry, except for the final entry. I've tried using backspace, but ...
Matt's user avatar
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Loop a new section (outside loop) after every 2 entries

This is a strange one I've never come across over 5 years developing with EE. There may be a simple solution but I'm not seeing it! Essentially, I need to create a dynamic loop that outputs a ...
kala233's user avatar
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Using conditional for displaying special content to specific entry

Trying to display different link for one entry (thing1) inside channel entries loop. {exp:channel:entries channel=“things”} <h2>{title}</h2> <p>{description}</p> ...
user3058's user avatar
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Group by within a Channel Entries loop

I have banner ads stored in a channel and these are associated using a single entry Playa field with clients stored in another. I need to display random banners on a page but without ever showing more ...
Nathan Pitman's user avatar
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counting channel field rows

I want to check if there are any channel field entries so something like {exp:channel:entries channel="vacancies" author_id="{logged_in_member_id}"} {if count==0} there are no entries in this ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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One most recent entry from multiple channels

I'd like to return 5 entries from 5 channels in a list, the list being comprised of: the one most recent entry from each channel in order of date A simple exp:channel:entries loop with a limit of 5 ...
Travis Smith's user avatar
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Writing markup outside of entries' loop

I was wondering how to properly call information from a channel but outside of the loop, so it doesn't repeat along with the entries. The output would look something like this: <div id="entries" ...
cballenar's user avatar
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Exclude content from loop

I feel like I have seen a solution to my issue in the EE docs before, but now I can't find what I'm looking for. I would like to exclude some information from repeating inside of a channel entries ...
jennetcetera's user avatar
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Preventing a double entries loop

This is something that I'm wondering how you solve it: When building a site, the index template is served with segment 1 empty. If I start an entries loop in a embed, I'll need a conditional to show ...
noregt's user avatar
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Can I get Channel Entry Loop counts by channel?

I have a sort of odd need and I'm not exactly sure how to solve it so I'm coming here for help. I have a channel entries loop that displays all the latest posts for our site with pagination on our ...
Adam Christianson's user avatar
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conditional markup display

I've got a CSS module that I only want to display on the page if there are entries in the channel. {exp:channel:entries channel="staff" dynamic="no" limit="6" orderby="random" {...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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