Questions tagged [mx-jumper]

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Help with replacing image placeholders in matrix rows -- using Stash?

I have some legacy code that was using mx_jumper successfully. On updating to EE 2.11.2 the code no longer works. The context is a Matrix field with rows including: A text field called {item_desc} ...
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tell WYGWAM not to wrap certain text in a <p> tag

I've built in a shortcode-like method using mx_jumper that works well, for the most part. I have Matrix field called blog_images where the user can upload up to 10 images for a post. Then they include ...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Limit Entries per Category

I am trying to build a listing page of entries broken down by parent category. I originally used the category archive tag but there isn't option to limit the entries per category. I've also tried ...
Tad Ward's user avatar
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2 votes
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Problems with CE Image, MX Jumper and parse order (I believe)

I'm experiencing two possible issues in the code below: The if/else I have always sets standard_image_width and retina_image_width to the value in the last {if:else}, regardless of whether or not it'...
Brandon Durham's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

EE code in WYGWAM being wrapped in a paragraph tag

I'm using MX-Jumper to replace EE style code in a WYGWAM field with images. The WYGWAM content will look something like this: {image_1} Climb leg rub face on everything give attitude nap all day for ...
Brandon Durham's user avatar