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SQL help to remove an imported text error

We recently migrated a site, and any line break imported as /n. This was not a huge deal for the templates, but it is for the entries. This is for an EE3 site, and I just don't write SQL code that ...
Marketing Alliance's user avatar
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ExpressionEngine 3 module: create custom member field programmatically

I'm creating a custom member field programmatically. This works fine, except that I want the database column to be dynamic based on what's already in the database. In my code below, the ...
user3478148's user avatar
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Can you query a grid field to return a list of distinct fields?

EE 3.1.4 I need to get a detail field from a grid field, but I also need the results to be distinct. The issue I have is the grid field returning a pipe delimited field set. So running something ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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