Questions tagged [query-module]

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Add new Channel ID access to multiple member groups via SQL Query

I have created a new channel (in this case ID#32) on an existing EE site install, and I need to assign it to 270 existing member groups. Rather than clicking into every single member group and ...
Karl Bowers's user avatar
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Get average rating from a Super Search results set

I have a series of super search results listing pages displaying lists that are all rated with the Ratings module. I want to get the average rating of all the entries in the list to put into schema ...
Tyssen's user avatar
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How to use an SQL query to display entries from last 45 days

I'm using the following SQL query to populate a filter form for a jobs site. The query displays all locations used in the jobs listed on the site. I'm only displaying jobs up to 45 days old on the ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Assistance query change membergroup

I am unfamiliair with the Query module and I hope someone here could guide me. In a Template I want to change the group_id of a chosen member (member_id in stash snippet) from 13 to 14. The template ...
Hansl's user avatar
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importing entry status via CSV - does uppercase or lowercase status matter

I typically add/edit/delete my entries via CSV (datagrab) and have been doing so for a while now. Recently I'm seeing some confusing things in the way that some of my entries were being ordered and ...
pixldev's user avatar
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SQL Query to Get count of entries of a certain status inside channel

Right now I have this inside of a channel entries tag. {exp:query sql="SELECT total_entries FROM exp_channels WHERE channel_name = '{url_title}'"} {total_entries} {/exp:query} Which provides me ...
Chris O'Connor's user avatar
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Display number of entries of a certain categories in a channel

I would like to display the number of entries of a given category within the same channel, and nothing else. I've found this older question Display the number of entries in a channel but that does ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Removing duplicate entries using an SQL query

I'm trying to create a search field (using Solspace Super Search) using a location from existing channel entries. Unfortunately this results in duplicate locations as some entries use the same ...
Tom Perkins's user avatar
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Low Search and match 3 fields and then return data

I'm looking for a bit of guidance here, just need pointing in the right direction for. A solid solution. Would this be possible with ExpressionEngine? Either using something like Low Search or even ...
Mark's user avatar
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Query Module: Error escaping quotes

We recently moved over some of our templates to use the Query module to reduce the number of DB queries happening. However I'm now experiencing an issue where some of the field data is being returned ...
KoalaKid's user avatar
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query : how to get the value of a custom field within a relationship field?

I have a channel 1 and a channel 2. In channel 1 I have a relationship field that relate to channel 2. I want (by making a query, for reasons I won't explain here because this is not important) to ...
pikarge's user avatar
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Is it possible to send url or form variables o the built-in exp:query tag to build select queries?

Using the supplied EE add-on, is it possible to sen url or form variables or to the builtin exp:query tag to build select queries? If so, can anyone point me to some examples?
Kokako's user avatar
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Need help with a query to get data

I need a complex query and have gone beyond my scope of understanding. Here is the gist... There is a section of the site in which users can select various values available in entries of a ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Can you query a grid field to return a list of distinct fields?

EE 3.1.4 I need to get a detail field from a grid field, but I also need the results to be distinct. The issue I have is the grid field returning a pipe delimited field set. So running something ...
W3bGuy's user avatar
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Create list of authors, but no repetion (LOW search)

We have build a site where members publish images in entrees which are tagged ( one or more tags). By using Profile:edit there also exists a channel with Member_data like name and adress. The ...
Hansl's user avatar
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Query exp_channel_data but exclude expired entries

I'm on EE2.10.1, and trying to grab unique countries from a channel that has one field for "country name" and one field for "country code". So I've got the following query: {exp:query sql="SELECT ...
Frank Harrison's user avatar
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Playa related entries count

We are running reports and need a query - we're using playa and I want to get the total number of child_entries where channel_id = 16 and where the 'parent_field_id' = 68. My current query is: ...
paulcripps's user avatar
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Total entry views for all entries in a given category

We have a basic query, which get us; cat_id, parent_id, cat_name and the total entry_count which is then displayed in the form of a report... the current query is: SELECT c.cat_id, c.parent_id, c....
paulcripps's user avatar
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parameters in URL for query sorting

I'm using the query module to return entries for a particular page. I would like to create a drop down list where the user can change how the entries on those pages are sorted. is it possible to use ...
therooster's user avatar
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SQL query issue while trying to count the entry (row)

Trying to produce a current entry count / total entries within a channel_entry tag by using a SQL query. {exp:channel:entries channel="{channel}" limit="1" require_entry="yes" status="open" ...
Robbie Post's user avatar
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Help with query syntax

Can somebody help me with the basic construction a Query module query to pull some info out of the Favorites and Tag modules from Solspace? I've tried the following using standard tags but this ...
Zonamaster's user avatar
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Create a list of entries where parents status is open

I have 2 channels, artists and artwork. I want to display the artwork entries where their parent entry, in the artists channel, has the status set to 'open'. I would like to show all the fields from ...
zizther's user avatar
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Custom query ignoring sticky entries

I'm using the query module, to return a list of entries sorted alphabetically, but there are a few sticky entries that I need to appear at the top of the list, and the stickies are being ignored.Here ...
artmem's user avatar
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EE Core alternative to {exp:query}?

I have a website which until yesterday was running EE v1.6.7. Other than occasional defacing due to unpatched security vulnerabilities it was working well enough {/tongue-in-cheek}. Forced by system ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
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Using the query module to get an image path. How do I get to the thumb folder?

First of all. Big thank you to Rob Sanchez. I'm using his plugin inside the query module to get a zoo-visitor member-picture and add it to a public profile page. This is the query. field_id_37 ...
okenathan's user avatar
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Displaying Category Name and Channel Entry Data with Query Module

I have a SQL query set-up to display a list of entries based on the category ID found in the third segment, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to display the category name that goes along with it. ...
Roger Erik Tinch's user avatar
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Displaying Count of Large Amount of Entries - Best Practice?

we need a 'counter' which displays the total number of entries for a given channel limited by category and status. Were originally doing this via the EE Stats module before the Status/Cats ...
segovius's user avatar
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can you show screen_name of users who have liked an entry?

Channel Ratings: 4.0.4, EE: 2.7.3 I am using the channel ratings "Like" function, so the logged in users can "Like" certain products. I want to be able to display who has liked an entry. I am using ...
Funkefied's user avatar
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Using exp:query with WHERE = {segment_2} is it safe?

I'm querying the database directly using the exp:query tag and filtering results on the value of a segment, is this safe? How can I make it safe?
wot's user avatar
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Get categories that contain entries that are in the current category

How can I get a list of categories that share entries with the currently selected category. Huh? Let me explain I have a channel called Portfolio Portfolio channel has two category groups (client ...
Jeremy Worboys's user avatar