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What's the field for the main content for XML export?

I found this snippet of XML code ( that has everything set up for the XML export of one of my client's old site....
Tam N.'s user avatar
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Create WordPress Export File

I'm working with a client that wants to migrate from ExpressionEngine to WordPress. I have an EE template that is supposed to (and seems to) generate a WP XML Import file. However, when I import the ...
Ty Morton's user avatar
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Easy sitemap.xml url

I've been looking for an easy way to point search engines to the sitemap.xml file in the root of the website. I've been using Google Sitemap Lite in combination with Navee or Structure. And it's ...
Diederik's user avatar
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How to get just the image file name from a file field?

I'm setting up an xml page in which I need to have just the file name of an image from a file upload field. What I currently have is: <picture> {exp:xml_encode}{image}{/exp:xml_encode} </...
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