> mysite.it/blog/all Which shows all the articles But it does not work > for mysite.it/blog/view/hello_world showing the article > > > > **mysite.it/blog/view/hello_world** works fine because the **segment_1: blog** is an **EE template group**. The related entries content will be displayed. > >**mysite.it/blog/view/hello_world** doesn't work because **segment_2: view** is not a template group, is not processed, so 404 error message. I'm using conditional tags to solve this URL problem, it's working fine. **Templates routes** could help you too, less verbose that many conditional tags: https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/cp/design/routes.html https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/urls/template_routes.html . **If the segment_2 (view) and you want to associate it with an entry, is not a EE template groups you could use the conditional tags:** {if segment_1 =="blog" && segment_2 =="view" && segment_3 !=""} **If this condition is false, the second will be called:** {if:elseif segment_1 == "blog" && segment_2 !="" && segment_3 =="" } you can use too: {if:elseif segment_1 == "blog" && segment_2 =="all" && segment_3 ==""} **The template code:** {if segment_1 =="blog" && segment_2 =="view" && segment_3 !=""} {exp:channel:entries channel="your_channel" url_title="{segment_x}"} ........ {/exp:channel:entries} {if:elseif segment_1 == "blog" && segment_2 !="" && segment_3 =="" } {exp:channel:entries channel="you_channel" url_title="{segment_x}"} ........ {/exp:channel:entries} {/if} If needed, you can associate the url_title, with one of the segment (segment_1, segment_2...). https://docs.expressionengine.com/latest/channel/channel_entries.html#url-title