I am using Profile:Edit to display the "Forgot Password"/Reset form. They work fine. I get the Notification email, but in the email I get this:



To reset your password, please go to the following page: 


Then log in with your username: {username} 

If you do not wish to reset your password, ignore this message. It will 
expire in 24 hours. 

729 Beauty 

Notice that {username} does not get rendered.

I found this post: http://expressionengine.stackexchange.com/questions/12772/does-name-always-equal-username-in-forgotten-password-template which suggests that {name} and {username} are the same, but not so. In my case, {name} = Admin, and {username} = super_admin.

I am not sure if this is an issue with EE install or Profile:Edit. Thoughts?